chapter 5

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Jennie woke to Jisoo pressed against her back, holding her tightly. She could feel that Jisoo's shirt had ridden up just beneath her breasts, leaving her abdomen exposed, their skin stuck together with sweat. It hadn't been a great idea for Jennie to wear a sweatshirt to bed, and it was no surprise that they were overheating and sticking together from their shirts riding up in that way. When Jennie's eyes finally fluttered open, she felt her heart begin to race. Jisoo's hand had slowly traveled up her torso and was just below her breast, her fingertips slipped just below the hem of the sweatshirt.

Wanting to remove the shirt but feeling oddly too self-conscious to do so – suddenly, being naked around Jisoo was intimidating – and not wanting to move Jisoo at all, Jennie resigned herself to laying in their sweat. Her heart rate didn't calm, though, because the longer she was awake, the more her mind wandered to the way Jisoo's fingertips were pressed against her skin.

Taking a particularly deep breath, Jennie tried to steady herself. Go back to sleep, she thought. Just breathe.

But just then, Jisoo shifted impossibly closer, her legs pressed up against the backs of Jennie's thighs from behind. Their bodies were molded together, almost as one, and the last thing Jennie wanted – despite knowing how sticky they both were – was to disrupt this perfect moment. She'd wanted Jisoo this close for as long as she could remember, and the realization that her dream was finally coming true was hitting her hard. Maybe that was why her heart was racing.

Or it could have been her gigantic metaphorical boner.

One of the two. Or maybe both.

Either way, Jennie couldn't sleep. Couldn't believe that Jisoo was holding her this way, allowing her to sleep in her bed. Staying with her through the night. Jennie wasn't alone, for once. And she wasn't lonely. She didn't have to cry herself to sleep, because everything she wanted in the world was holding her tightly.

When Jisoo nuzzled her forehead against Jennie's shoulder blade, the hero shivered, despite the heat pulsing between them. It felt good to have Jisoo so close. Impossibly good. Unbelievably good. This must be a dream, Jennie thought in passing. She'd never want me in reality.

But it had to be real, because was suddenly feeling Jisoo's hand slowly slide south, rubbing her toned abdomen and trailing her fingers along the waistband of the reporter's shorts. Jennie's heart stopped. She's asleep, Jennie told herself. In light of this belief, Jennie reluctantly pressed her hand on top of Jisoo's to hold it still, but felt the sudden, unexpected jolt of Jisoo's teeth gently biting her shoulder.

She's awake.

Jennie shivered as Jisoo gently pushed her hand away, then snaked hers south, into Jennie's panties, the lace tickling the backs of her fingers.

"I wanna see you in these before I tear them off," Jisoo husked in Jennie's ear, kissing the shell of it and dragging her tongue along the edge.

"I don't wear lace," Jennie protested.

"You do now."

Jennie swallowed hard.

"Maybe we should just leave the lights off?"

"Jennie," Jisoo whispered. "Please, let me see how sexy you look."

"But I—"

"Baby," Jisoo purred. "Please."

Thinking she might die right then and there, the hero shut her eyes, allowing he sensation of Jisoo's lips on her neck to take over and shift her into another dimension. She'd never heard Jisoo plead with her before. Everything from her lips was a demand, besides the night she'd asked her to stay, after her mother had broken her heart for the hundredth time. Hearing her beg now was irresistible. There was nothing Jennie would be able to deny her.

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