chapter 4

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Jennie made it a point to bring Jisoo flowers the next day. Luckily for her, Jisoo was already in the office when she arrived, so she was able to knock on her door and surprise her with a bouquet of lilies.

"Hey," Jennie said shyly, holding out the flowers with a slightly trembling hand. "These... um... These are for you. I couldn't really fill your office, but I—"

"Jennie!" Jisoo cried. "Oh, my gosh! You really didn't have to do that. I—"

Ignoring Jisoo's protests, Jennie turned and shut the door behind her.

"You deserve every flower in the world, but none could match your beauty, so I just had to settle for these."

"They're beautiful, Jennie," Jisoo sighed, clutching the bouquet to her chest. "Thank you. Thank you so much. No one's ever gotten me flowers before."

"What? Really? A girl like you? No one's ever—"

"No one," Jisoo told her seriously. "You're the first to care about me enough to do anything like that for me."

"I certainly do care about you," Jennie agreed. "More than anything."

Eyes wide, Jisoo asked, "Anything?"


"Come here?" the CEO asked gently, far from her normal demanding tone.

Jennie obliged, and after setting the flowers down on her desk, Jisoo took Jennie's hands in her own and pulled her gently closer, catching her lips as soon as Jennie was standing close enough.

"Thank you," Jisoo whispered, upon finally pulling away. "Thank you for being my hero."

"I will always be here for you, Jisoo. There's nothing in this world that could keep me from you. I hope you know that."

Cheeks reddening, Jisoo slowly nodded her head. The reporter caught her lips again, taking her time to savor the taste.

"Shit," Jisoo blurted, upon pulling away for a second time. "My lipstick is... I'm sorry."

Scrambling to find a napkin, Jisoo turned away. Eventually, she found one and pressed it into Jennie's hands.

The reporter just smiled, saying, "It's okay. No harm done. At least you didn't let me walk out of the office like this."

Jisoo laughed, shaking her head, and bumped noses with Jennie, nuzzling briefly before pressing their foreheads together and resting her hands on the reporter's hips.

"Is this really happening?" Jennie whispered, feeling her heart ache, bursting with more joy than she could fathom.

Jisoo just nodded, her lips spreading into a smile.

"I never thought you'd... you know... want me like this..."

"I do," the blonde quickly told her. "I do. A thousand times, I do."

Blushing slightly, Jisoo nodded and told her, "I don't know why, but I'm glad."

"Why?" Jennie laughed. "Isn't that obvious? You're the only one to make my heart soar like this. You, Jisoo... You make Jennie Kim brave."

"R-Really?" Jisoo stammered. "I really make you feel that way?"

Jennie nodded, still smiling softly at her partner before pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead.

"I'd do anything for you, Jisoo. I'd do anything to make you happy. I thought that was obvious."

Jisoo shrugged and answered, "I guess I just... didn't want to believe it, just in case I was wrong."

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