The Why Don't We House

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Zack's pov
It was 9:40pm and i was with the boys scrolling on instagram, until i saw on the explore page @KateLondon 's post. I liked her picture and went on her page. In her bio it said "<3 photographer" i figured she loves to take pictures, so i sorta, maybe kinda stalked her page to see her work. SHE'S SO GOOD AT TAKING PHOTOS! Maybe she can fill in for me and work with the boys. I dm her and waited for her response. I decided to go sleep and wait for tomorrow because she's probably sleeping. "Yo boys, imma head out and sleep." i tell the boys  getting up. "aight see you tomorrow morning." jack says. i walked over to all of them and did the handshake thingy that we do. i walk upstairs and get comfy on my bed and right when i closed my eyes i fell asleep.
*the morning*
I woke up and rubbed my eyes. i looked at the time on my phone '7:35am' i looked at the dm i sent Kate, and no response. it's fine ima be patient. i went to my closet and put clothes on. I brushed my teeth, fixed my hair, and walked downstairs. At the last step of the stairs, i looked up and saw Jonah with his coffee in his hand. "morning Zack." "morning early bird, you eat yet?" i reply back. Jonah nods in agreement. i made myself eggs and waffles because i was craving it last night. i ate my breakfast and washed the dishes. i went to the living room and watched TV with Jonah. i noticed Jack, Daniel, and Corbyn walked downstairs together at 8:55am. "hey guys." i turned my head at them. "hey Zack." they all say waving going in the kitchen. "Zach's not awake yet?" Jonah asks walking too them, i did the same as well. "noPe. i tried waking him up but he slapped me in the face" Jack says. "i noticed a red mark on your face." Corbyn says covering his mouth trying to not laugh but he did. "i don't think it's funny, corb0ne!" chasing him around the house. We laughed and didn't manage to stop them. Zach came downstairs not paying attention to what's happening. Jack runs Zach over with his body, they fell so as Corbyn since he was behind Jack. "DuUuUdE!" Zach says. "oh sorry man." Jack says standing up and giving Zach a hand. "wow, and not me? okay i see how it is." Corbyn says giving himself a hand to get up. "what the fuck Corbyn!" Daniel said walking over to Corbyn and laughing. He gave Corbyn a hand. "okay well that was weird." i said.
It was 9:16am and i got a reply. "Hey thank you so much, I really appreciate it. Yes i'll take the application. If you don't mind text me whenever we can start. (random number)" she texted. i didn't have time to put her number in my contacts because i was doing some things with the boys.
*4 hours later*
it was 1:23 and i went on iMessages and put in her number, then texted her. 'Hey it's Zack, I got your phone number. Wanna meet up with me and the boys today at 3:30pm?' she replied a few minutes after saying 'Hey glad you got my number, I would love to come meet you guys. Mind if I bring 3 of my best friends' she's probably not comfortable with one girl and a lot of boys. 'yeah of course, the boys would love to meet all of you girls. here's the address (random address)' i put my phone aside screen facing up and got her reply 'okay thanks we'll come in a bit :)' oh gosh i never tell the boys yet. "boys! i'm in the living room come here!" i yell hearing footsteps. "yeah Zack." Zach's says. "i saw a girl on the instagram explore page and checked her page out. she loves to take pictures. and i asked her if she would like to some for you guys since sometimes i'm out. she said yes and she's coming over to our house with three of her best friends at 3:30pm. so make sure the house is neat so they can feel welcomed." i said with a smile on my face. "what's their names?" Corbyn asks. "um Kate, Evie, Isabella, and Laura." i reply back. "okay will do." Jonah says. Of course Jonah, he's the most responsible in the band. Zach is too much though.
*skip to when they're here*

back to Kate's pov
Laura sits in the front because she says she has good songs to play. She plugs the aux in her phone and played 'Why Don't We' songs. 'Something Different' first played and we were jamming. "WE ON SOMETHING, SOMETHING, SOME, WE ON SOMETHING DIFFERENT!!" i yell on top of my lungs and voice cracked, with my left hand in the air and right hand on the steering wheel. We all laughed because of my voice crack. Once when the song was over '8 Letters' played. We got into our moods as every girl and jammed. "We are 10 minutes away girls!" i say looking at the gps then back at the road. "WOOHOOO!" Laura, Evie, and Bella said all together with their hands up in the air with their hair blowing in their faces, so as my hair. "omg we're here." Bella said looking out pointing to their house. Laura unplugged her phone from the aux and we went outside. I locked the car once i steppes out. We took a glance at their house and was amazed. "i'm nervous." Laura, Evie, and Bella said at the same time. They laughed quietly while i took my sunglasses off and put it on my head. i then rung the doorbell.

Zack's pov
I was watching TV for a bit waiting for them to come. I have to go to a meeting at 4:15 and it was 3:48pm. 10 minutes later i heard the doorbell ring. "boys their here!" i yell walking to the door. they never come downstairs so i just answered the door.

Corbyn's pov
The boys and i were playing 'Fortnite' upstairs and waited for the girls to come. I heard Zack say that the girls were here but i ignored it.

Kate's pov
Someone opened the door. It was Zack. "Hey Zack, nice to meet you. i'm Kate." i introduced myself, shaking his hand. The girls did the same. "come in you guys." Zack said making room for us to walk in. "nice house you have here." Laura says. "thanks, um make yourself comfortable, i'm gonna get the boys upstairs." Zack says. We sat down on the couch and replied with "okay."

back to Corbyn's pov
"damn Jack, Royal Victory again." Daniel says patting him on the back. Surprisingly we never hear the doorbell ring, because of our music. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. "Zack's coming upstairs you guys." i say and see Jonah turning the volume lower. He knocked on our door and opened it, "yo the girls are here and i need to be at a meeting at 4:15." Zack left the door open and went to his room to get his stuff for the meeting.

A/N: sorry this part is kinda short but i hope you guys liked this part of the story.

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