New Friends?

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Zach's pov
Once i get the text from Christina, i panicked because i didn't know what to say. well i mean, i want Laura and the other girls to get along with Gabbie them. "yo um Corbyn" i say tapping him on the shoulder. "yeah?" he asks with his eyes still on his phone. "christina asked if she could hang out with us." i say scratching my head. "wait, just her?" he says kinda raising his voice. "oh, with Gabbie and Tate." i say. "okay i'm fine with that, Christina and i are staying as friends now." he says and i'm shocked. "the thing is that they don't know that Laura them are coming over." he said with his eyes opened wide. "oh shit right. umm it's fine, they'll just meet each other i guess." i says ending the conversation by going upstairs.

Corbyn's pov
I don't really care if Christina wants to hang out. we're both cool with each other. we probably hung out a couple of times before i told Daniel them about our break up. long distance isn't working for us at all. Christina and Kate them are coming over. i was overthinking too much about what's gonna happen when they come over. i went in the living room and felt my eyes get heavy so i take a nap.

Christina's pov
I get a reply back from Zach saying 'yeah sure we're cool with it, meet at 5 my house?' 'of course thank you so much:)' i texted and placed my phone down. I hope me hanging out with Corbyn goes well. we broke up about 2 months ago but he shook everything off and asked if we could still be friends. it feels like it was months since i saw him, but i actually did 4 weeks ago. i mean like the hang out wasn't that bad, so of course this won't go so wrong. "girls" i say getting the attention. "we're going at 5." they reply with 'okay' and go back to what they were doing. it was around 3:57pm and i take forever to get ready. i go upstairs and changing into this

 I did my makeup and put on a necklace i got for my 17th birthday

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I did my makeup and put on a necklace i got for my 17th birthday. i go tell the girls to get ready and walk downstairs. Tate come down with a white cropped tank top and denim shorts with white vans. Gabbie comes down with lavender romper and white sandals. "it's only 4:37pm and i'm craving starbucks. wanna go?" Tate says slouching. "starbucks it is." Gabbie says her hand in the air with her keys and one leg up. we go inside the car and go to starbucks. we got our drinks and went to their house.

Daniel's pov
Jack and Zach have been raging for bout and hour and i'm getting over it. i heard the girls and christina them are coming over in a bit. it was 4:50pm and i heard the doorbell. i saw Corbyn was sleeping so i woke him up and answered the door. "hey girls come on in." i say patting each on of them on the head while they walked in, it's our thing. "hi Corbyn." Christina says giving him a small hug. "hey, long time no see." The rest of the boys come downstairs. "jonaaahh." Tate says with her arms out. "hey babe." he replies kissing her on the lips instead of hugging her. "babyyy" gabbie says hugging Jack. Zach and I were standing awkwardly because we both don't have girlfriends. they walked to the living room while Zach and i went to the kitchen. "it's 5:00, where are they?" Zach says. "i don't know their probably taking forever, you know how girls are." i say rolling my eyes.

Kate's pov
It's 4:47pm and i need to get ready. my outfit i wore to the mall was kinda too dressy. i went to my closet and picked an outfit

 After i put my clothes on, i curler my eyelashes and put mascara and the lipgloss on my lips

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After i put my clothes on, i curler my eyelashes and put mascara and the lipgloss on my lips. i went downstairs and saw Laura, Evie, and Bella sitting on the couch watching TV. once they got home from the mall they changed into something comfy. "you guys ready?" i ask grabbing my keys and swinging them. "uhh yeah." Evie said looking at Laura and Bella. we walked to the car and drove off. once we were here i looked at my phone *5:13pm* we are late.

Christina's pov
I was talking to the boys and girls about my trip to Minnesota until i got cut off by the doorbell. "was it cold?" Jack asks. "well no shit it was Jack, i was there during fall, i ha-" i looked at the Jonah and he went to go get it. all of us walked by the stairs seeing who was at the door because i wasn't expecting anyone else. Jonah opened the door and i saw 4 girls standing in front of us. they walked in while i kept my eye on the one girl with a brown/pink fluffy jacket, she kinda looked familiar. they all hugged the boys one at a time and stood there in front of us after. "oh right, Christina, Gabbie, and Tate this is Kate, Laura, Isabella, and Evie... Laura, Evie, Kate, and Isabella this is Christina, Gabbie, and Tate." Corbyn says introducing all of us one by one. we shook hands with them. when i shook Kate's hand i asked her, "were you at the grove?" "um yeah, how'd you know?" she said with a grinned face. "i bumped into you." i said laughing. "omg that was you?" she said pointing at my with a slight smile. "your so pretty." she added. "thank you so much you're so beautiful." i say with a smile. "well this went well." Daniel says with a giggle.

Gabbie's pov
I never get a good glance at Kate when Christina bumped into her but now i do and she so pretty, so as her friends. we all go our separate ways, in the living room and the kitchen. all of us girls went to the living and talked, we were getting along. we also spilt tea about Laura liking Zach and Bella liking Daniel. Evie has a boyfriend. "Kate, who do you like, hmm." i ask with a smirk "i don't really wanna say it." she says getting nervous. "come on Kate." Tate says. "fine, i'm kinda, i don't know, having a little crush, on.. Corbyn." she says with a tiny smile. Christina, Tate, and my smile start to fade away. i look at Christina and see her eyes getting watery. "um, b-be right b-back." she says and runs upstairs. the boys notice but don't seem to bother because they don't wanna get into our business.

Kate's pov
We all express our feelings for the boys besides me. "Kate, who do you like, hmm." Gabbie asks me. "i really don't wanna say it." i say getting nervous. "come on Kate." Tate shoves me. "fine, i'm kinda, i don't know, having a little crush, on.. Corbyn." i say with a tiny smile. they smile fades away. i'm confused, i looked at Laura, Evie, and Bella and they are as well. "um, b-be right b-back." christina said making her way upstairs. when she was gone i questioned. gabbie and tate tell me the whole story but in long story short. "omg i'm so sorry you guys." i tell the girls and go to christina's direction.
i knock on the bedroom door because i heard sobbing. "chris, can i come in? it's kate." i say biting my nails. she's not answering me so i slowly go in and closing the door behind me. "look i'm so sor-" i try apologizing but she cuts me off. "gabbie and.. tate.. tell you?" she said having a hiccup after words. "yeah." i say rubbing her back. "sorry we didn't tell you." she said while i watched a tear drop go down her cheek, i wipes it off. "i mean you could still go after him." she said wiping all her tears away. "what do you mean?" i ask confused. "corbyn and i are staying as friends, best friends." she says "oh wow that awesome." i say smiling and putting a bent leg on the bed. she fixes up and we go downstairs. the boys look at us like we're crazy. Zach is the most concerned one so i mouth him 'later' and he mouths back 'okay' and nods.

A/N: TEEEAAAAA.... anyways i'm crying right now at 3:38am because i miss them so much🥺 i hope you liked this part😚

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