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Pic of Steve at top

Bella had never been so confused in her life. One side of her brain was yelling at her to stop and turn around go to her bed and hide from all the evil in the world. Her warning bells were ringing. But the other side, the more mature one tried to calm her that nothing will happen. That she had been working in this place for nearly two months and never was she threatened or harmed, 'but that doesn't mean she won't be'. The side which was not comforting at all yelled and Bella agreed with her

'If she was to be harmed she would have been' the mature one said. "Shut up you too. You both are wrong. Let me do what I think is right" she mentally yelled at them. 'We are a part of you stupid. You yell at us you yell at yourself. You think we are wrong that means you are wrong too you ignorant human' they both yelled at her.

She sighed and knocked on the door with quivering hands. "Come in" a voice said.

The voice of the devil it was. Suddenly her knees buckled and she held the wall as her support when she regained her composure she went inside and dreaded it immediately. It all felt like a déjà vu to her.

He was sitting on his chair like he owned this world ,well he kind of did. He looked up at Bella with a menacing glare "Did you contact the Armstrong industries Miss Bella" he asked not breaking eye contact.

Bella squirmed under his dark gaze."Y...yes s...sir I did. They accepted y..your offer and are ready to sign t..the deal" Bella tried to answer him properly but failed miserably.

Christian was amused at how this young lady was squirming under his gaze. His liked how much he could effect her but suddenly he became angry that she was afraid of him, but he wasn't done teasing her yet. "Well than I want you to ready a contract with all the terms and conditions I emailed- Miss Bella are you alright?" Christian was trying hard to control his laughter and keep a cold face. The poor girl looked like she was about to faint anytime.

"Y...yes sir. I am perfectly fine. I will ready the contract as soon as possible. Good day" she hurriedly, (almost ran) outside the office. And went to ready the contract and not upset her boss.

Christian burst out laughing when Bella left his office. But he praised the young lady's confidence, she did last longer than other. Usually by now his assistant would quite or had been fired.

Steve walked in his friend's office and was surprised to see him laughing. This was a sight he didn't see for eleven years. He was beyond happy and wanted to thank the person who made him laugh so he asked " What happened brother. You are laughing. No one told me that pigs started flying."

"Shut up Steve. It's because of Bella. She recently learned my nickname and her reaction was priceless. She looked like she was about to faint." Christian said coming back to his usual self, which was the cold hearted man ofcourse.

"You mean she didn't knew already? Oh that poor girl, of course she must be terrified that you may kill her or something. By the way she lasted longer than the other, well that's an accomplishment" Steve said jokingly.

" Ha..ha Steve come on let's get down to business" Christian muttered.

And that's what they did for hours.


After the whole day of mentally consoling herself Bella was now calm. She didn't fear him as much now. What's the worst he could do was to fire her well that's....... acceptable. But Bella promised herself to be a good assistant no matter who the boss is. She must act professional. So that's what she did. She spent her whole day with the devil and Mr Anderson ( Steve)  whom she saw first time in her life even though she worked here for two months without stuttering or shaking so that was an accomplishment for her. In her point of view she did a good job.

Christian and Steve were surprised at Bella's behaviour. She didn't stumble at something nor did she stutter like others. She had this aura of sudden confidence in her. Her way of walking and talking changed. It screamed professionalism. Even the whole boardroom was surprised. She roamed around the room, distributing files and setting the needed equipments like she owned the place. Even though the board members were sweating in the presence of their two bosses but Bella didn't dare to show any kind of weakness or a trace of tiredness.

The meeting lasted two hours. After all the members exited Bella, the devil and Mr Anderson remained. It was late, nearly midnight.

"Sir if you allow me now I have to go. It's late and I have done my work." Bella said while walking towards the door.

"Wait" Mr Anderson said.

She spun around and raised her eyebrows "Yes Mr Anderson?" she asked daring him to stop her. She was beyond tired and she needed rest.

Steve suddenly felt nervous at Bella's presence. The way she raised her eyebrows made him nervous like she was daring him to stop her. He was confused he was never afraid of someone. Ever. Especially girls. But this girl was intimidating him and he was afraid of the effect she had on him.

For a moment even Christian felt this crazy feeling. It was nervousness. Christian Knight was nervous. And none other than Bella was the cause of this. But he immediately composed himself. He didn't understand how she got it but this aura around her intimidated him. But it was nothing compared to his. Nothing could dare to intimidate or terrify Christian Robert Knight. The King.

"Uh...it's late and..I... I think that you should not go alone...so Christian might be a gentleman and give you company. Huh Christian?" Christian raised an eyebrow at his friend. He stuttered.

Steve never stuttered but Christian knew what was the cause of it. It was Bella. But coming back to his friends question he shrugged "Of course" he replied.

Bella was terrified. How can she calm herself if she was alone with him. No she couldn't. "Oh its alright. I will take a cab" she said.

Christian raised his eyebrow. "So you suggest to drive with a complete stranger rather than your boss" Christian said.

" Yes I do because I drive with that stranger every other day. But driving with you would be taking advantage of you. So I suggest we go our separate ways" she retorted back.

Christian and Steve were again surprised by her. Many girls would die to drive with him but here she was completely turning down the offer.

It wasn't that Bella didn't to. She did. She trusted her boss more than the stranger. But there was a reason why she called him a devil. It wasn't like he didn't treat her well it was because she couldn't control herself with him. He made Bella loose her sanity.

"No miss Bella I am driving you and that is final. You are my responsibility as you are my assistant. So grab your things we are going in five minutes. Understood?" He said with finalty and left no room for discussion.

Bella sighed, she knew there was no luck in trying so she nodded and was about to leave the room " Miss Bella when I ask you something I expect a verbal reply."

It wasn't like he was showing how powerful he is, he just wanted to hear her voice that is. Bella was irritated now this was the second time she was stopped and she didn't like it.

"Yes sir" Bella said said through grinded teeth and left.

Steve watched this whole scene with amusement. He knew what was happening. But he didn't believe what he saw in his friend's eyes.

It was love.

He knew better thank to confront Christian so he kept quiet. He knew that Christian hasn't cleared his feelings towards Bella yet so he kept quiet and enjoyed the show.

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