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"Let me do that for you" Christian said while getting out of the car. He opened the passenger door and offered Bella his hand. Bella looked at it and frowned. She didn't even know how she was supposed to act.

Now that she knew about her feelings towards him, she was beyond confused. How was she supposed to act. How was she supposed to feel. What was she supposed to say. All these questions were swimming in her mind.

"You know I don't bite" Christian said while chuckling. Bella realized she was looking at his hand for quite some time now.

She took his hand and shivered from the intensity of fireworks she felt. Not to be cliché or something but it actually felt right. His large hand held her slime ones. Perfect fit. This small thing made her smile.

When they entered the restaurant, Christian didn't even wait for some one to walk them to their table. He walked to the far corner of the restaurant and pulled a chair for Bella.

She sat down while offering him a smile.

A waiter arrived at their table "What can I get you sir, madam"

"We will take your best bottle of red wine" Christian said. It angered Bella that he didn't even ask her for her opinion, but she kept quiet as she did like red wine.

"So tell me how are we gonna let the world know that we are a couple" Bella asked.
"Easy. Luke is gonna call some paparazzi and they will follow us every where. They will take some pictures and boom it's gonna be all over the news tomorrow."
Christian explained.

"Right. Quick question who's Luke?" Bella asked.

"Well he is my body guard, driver and my friend. He was there when my father was busy to come to my first play at school. He was the one who came to my football games. And he was the one to whom I went to when I had my first breakup" Christian said with a ghost of smile on his face.

Bella didn't know why but she suddenly held a high respect for this guy. She somehow felt at ease knowing that her devil had someone. She knew now Christian had great connection
with him

"Right. Well I will very much like to meet him" Bella said.

"Soon." was his replay.

The waiter arrived with their drinks.

They both ordered their lunch. Christian was surprised with the amount Bella ordered. "Are you sure you can eat that much" Christian said with his eyebrow raised.

"Excuse me mister. Never underestimate food. You can never fully understand a women" Bella said feighing shock.

"Well I offer my sincerest apologies m'lady" Christian said while bowing his head.

"Oh it's alright kind sir" Bella said with a wave of her hand.


All the while they had their lunch , the paparazzi was doing their job. Clicking pictures, they couldn't believe their eyes. Christian Knight King, the monster, the devil, the man who everyone feared was seen laughing with a women, who looked like an angel.

The world had come to believe that he was gay. Not a single appearance with the opposite gender. Everyone had thought that Steven Armstrong and Christian Knight were in a relationship. But Christian never gave it a second thought.

Bella laughed, and smiled during the whole lunch. Not for a second did she feel like she was acting. All felt real. She had never seen this side of her boss. She came to know about his likes and dislikes. His preferences and his habits.

She felt like she was in a trance. His laugh made her stomach flip, Bella never saw it but his eyes held twinkle of mischief and humor, there was something else they held but she couldn't quite decipher it.

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