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Bella sneezed again from the cold. Well guess that's what happens when you walk to the park without seeing the weather report.

"You ok Miss Bella?" Luke asked her.

She met Luke yesterday, while she accompanied Christian to an auction. And there was no one more funny and charming at the age of 53 she had met.

"Yes, yes I am fine. Just a bit of cold." Bella repleid.

Right now they were both waiting for Christian, in his office. Bella wanted to discuss some important meeting and she had no idea why Luke was here. Usually he just stood outside his office.

Door opened and in walked the devil in his perfectly tailored suit.

"Good morning Bella, Luke." Christian said with a nod.

Where did the 'Miss'  go she thought.

"Sir, I wanted to discuss somethings about your meeting with Mr Lockwood."

"You know we are a couple right?" Yup the article was published, apparently everyone till now thought that Christian Knight was gay, as he was never seen with a women before.

There were also some rumors that him and Steve were a couple. God she laughed so hard when she heard that.

"Yes sir. I do. But right now I am your assistant, and we agreed to act professional while work." She replied.

"Ah yes. Ok what do you want to discuss?"

"Well first of all Mr Lockwood hates that shade of blue so you have to change your tie" Bella walked in to the closet and brought a tie, she walked up to him and started fixing it.

All the while Christian was looking at her every action.
' How can someone be so beautiful ' he thought.

"Ehm, sir are you listening?" Bella asked.

"Uh y..yes yes, please continue." Christian stammered.

A chuckle was heard from the corner of the room but Luke covered it by a cough.

Never once in his life had he seen him , the king , the devil himself stammer in front of anyone. Never. And that in front of a girl.
'Oh this is gonna be fun' he thought.

"Is there a problem Luke?" Christian glared.

"No no please carry on."

Bella blushed but covered it by discussing more about the meeting. But Christian had already seen it.


Coming out of the conference room Bella sighed and rubbed her temples. That was a long meeting.

"Bella?!" she heard someone calling her name from behind and turned. She hadn't heard that voice in so long.. This caused Christian and Luke to turn too to see what was happening.

Bella couldn't believe what she was seeing in front of her, or who she was seeing.

"Bhai (brother) is that you?" Bella said slightly surprised but grinning from ear to ear.

"In flesh" he replied.
Bella ran up to him and jumped on him. Caleb hugged her back and twirled her. Her laughter could be her for miles.

Caleb Hunt :

Christian walked up to them

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Christian walked up to them.
"Uhm hi. Christian Knight, the boyfriend."

Christian didn't know why he said it but he felt the need to. He kind of felt threatened by him, and he could not afford that.

Caleb put Bella down and shook his hand. He was amused.' This young man thought he was her boyfriend or something' he thought. "Hunt. Caleb Hunt, the big brother"

Bella snickered. Ever since they were little Caleb used to introduce himself like James Bond.

"Oh uhm. Nice to meet your Mr Hunt." Christian said.

This is definitely NOT how he imagined meeting her family.

"Wait... Hunt? As in The Hunt Corporation? But why do you two have different surnames?" Christian asked.

"Yes I am CEO of Hunt Corporation." Caleb said.

Christian noticed that he didn't replay to his second question. He wasn't used to that. People not answering him, but he swallowed his anger.

Bella silently stood there as she watched her brother and her ' boyfriend' walk away.

"What just happened?" she asked Luke.

"I honestly have no idea" he replied.

But wait a minute. Was Christian freaking Knight jealous? Oh god he was jealous.



Bhai means brother in Urdu.

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