|1| First Sight |1|

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|Eren's POV|

I was walking down the street a pretty street not much off to the sides of it besides really light pink flowers and elegant vines. It was when I was at the end of the prettiness when I heard loud sobbing it was just on the corner where Yaoi St. met up with Shingeki St. this was usually where most of the mugging in this small town happened. It's not a surprise at all to hear sobbing around this area. Usually I just ignore sobbing but I was lead to this. I turn the corner around a gray chiseled brick wall to see a boy about my age long blond hair and beautiful vibrant blue eyes. Why I was thinking that about him I did not know but I did know he had blood stains and gashes all over.
I walked over to the boy and sat next to him I could tell he was cold so I gave him my jacket.

"Hi my names Eren." I stated "What's yours?" I asked."A-Arrhhh." He started but couldn't finish I knew he was weak then he spoke up a little, "A-Armin."

Hmm, Armin what a great name delicate to the tongue. I felt a shiver go down my spine and put a smile to my face.

"So Armin, let me help you up I'll take you to my house we can have some tea and crumpets while Mikasa patches up your wounds." I said

"Who's Mikasa?" Armin asked. "Oh just my sister she's really strong and works out a lot but when it comes to friends, family even some strangers she helps out in any way possible." I answered

I reached my cold dry hand out for him to grab to pull himself up but I noticed he couldn't even lift his arm. I put my arm around him to support him and we walked to my house. Once we got there I set him on the couch gently and went to get Mikasa. I told Mikasa what happened and she came rushing out with the first aid kit.

"Hi, I'm Mikasa you must be Armin Eren told me everything he thinks happened to you he's not sure since you can't really talk" Mikasa said. "I'm Armin Arlert I was out last night getting groceries for my legal guardians Levi and Hanji when everything went black and I woke up with gashes and blood stains and my wallet stolen" Armin said."What do you mean by legal guardians?" Mikasa asked. "Well, you see they are not my blood parents although they are great my blood parents died by a building falling down on top of them when I was two" Armin answered.

I went into the kitchen started the furnace and put a kettle full of water over the furnace. While that was boiling I went out and got some fresh tea herbs for the tea. The kettle whistles a high pitched whistle alarming everyone the water was hot enough. I poured the steaming hot water into three glasses and then divided the herbs equally into the cups.

"Tea is ready Mikasa!" I shouted. "Ok Eren can you bring it over for me?" She replied. "Sure I'll bring over Armin's as well" I reply.

I walk to Armin and Mikasa holding three cups of scorching hot tea. I set one cup down in front of each person gently. An hour flies by and as that hour flies by I notice Armin staring at me a lot and once checking me out.

:::::BTW::::: Part Two May Be A Little Messed Up

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