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|Still Eren's POV|

After Armin went home that night I was thinking about something but I couldn't put my finger on it. It was something to do with Armin but I was too tired to think straight. I went on the computer watched KSI's 'Get Hyper' to see if it would wake me up. I did a little but I just said fuck it and went to bed. I didn't go to sleep until two hours after I already crawled in bed for those two hours I was thinking about Armin I don't know why I don't think I'm gay so I'm guessing it wasn't for that reason. I finally fell asleep and my dreams were black, nothing, empty I had no dream.

The next morning I woke up with lunch money beside my bed and my backpack all packed up with school stuff. When I looked at my phone I had 10 minutes to get ready, "SHIT" I yelled loudly and I quickly got dressed, grabbed my stuff and ran outside. I was surprised when I locked the door and turned around because I saw Armin standing there with this giant smile on his face. "Why are you going to school aren't you still hurt?" I asked with a tilted head like a confused dog. "I feel a lot better and I think I can make it through school." He said cheerfully. To be honest I didn't even know he went to my school I never noticed him he obviously wasn't very popular if he was I probably would have noticed him. "Okay, whatever you want to do I guess." I said hesitantly.

Armin and I finally get to school when I notice there is a large dense cloud of smoke coming from the roof. I hear a loud screech then I run in Armin follows. "SASHA!!!!" Armin screams,
Sasha was trapped under a board in the kitchen and fire was everywhere I tried to pull her out but she was to heavy she looks skinny but she actually weighs a lot. Armin then comes to help but we still can succeed in pulling her out from under the board. Connie then comes racing in and helps we finally get her to slip out from under the board. We all race out of the school as fast as possible. Connie and Sasha kiss seeming they are dating and I catch Armin looking at me and he looks away quickly.

Our school will be shut down for six months and there are no other schools nearby so we are out of school for six months. Armin and I walk to my house I invite him in and we sit on the couch. We talk about what we think caused the fire. I said that Sasha was probably trying to get potatoes in the kitchen when she bumped the oven and it turned on and It had stuff on it catching them on fire and thus burning the school down. Armin just satrted singing "THIS KITCHENS ON FIRE" and I laughed my ass off.

Armin spent the night and we played video games and watched videos all night until Mikasa yelled at us for being to loud and we went to bed. But when I woke up this morning I woke up with Armin really close to me face to face if he moved half a centimeter he would be kissing me. I freaked out and yelled "ARMIN WHAT THE FUCK!?!?" He woke up startled and said "What did I do?" I told him how I woke up and he said sorry but I don't think it was a accident.

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