Part Thirty-Three

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“Have you told your parents about the baby yet?” Elliot asks me, with a friendly smile.

“Yeah” I sigh, as I remember what happened that day. I don’t think I will ever understand how you can disown your daughter just because she’s pregnant, but that’s just me. All I know, is I’m never going to let this baby think I don’t love them, because I do and I will stick my them no matter what situations they get themselves into, that’s what a mother is supposed to do isn’t it?

“Well, what did they say?” he asks me, as he leans over the table and places his hand on top of my own. He can obviously tell that is hard for me to talk about, but he gives me another smile, which tells me that what ever it is, it’s going to be ok.

“Well they disowned me” I tell him, as I look down in shame. They made me feel so stupid when I told them and I just don’t know if I will ever be able to face them again. I have so many regrets of that day, but what can I do? I can’t go back in time and fix them, can I? And you know what? I don’t know if I would want to. I showed them that they couldn’t push me around any more and I just hope that they’ve learned their lesson. I mean they should be begging for me to forgive them, not the other way around and that’s why I’m not going to do it. I’m just going to wait for them to realise how wrong they were.

“Why?” he asks, sounding shocked.

“Because I brought shame on the family, apparently” I sigh again.

“Well maybe if they meet me, they will change their mind” Elliot suggests.

“No, if it was possible to disown me again, then that would be the reason. They said I’m a disgrace because I’m not married and because I was supposed to be studying, so I don’t think them meeting you will do much good. I mean, in their eyes, you’re the person who ruined their daughter” I sigh once again. I’ve been sighing so much since I was disowned and I can feel myself slowly sinking into depression.

“Isn’t there anything we can do to get them to forgive you though?” he asks me, as he takes his hand off of mine.

“Not unless I have an abortion” I tell him.

“What?” he asks me. “That’s ridiculous. I’m sorry, Leela, but I can’t let you do that. This is my baby too remember” he tells me.

“I know and I’m not going to. I’m fully against it anyway” I tell him, as I look up, startled. How could he think I would do that? Surly he knows I would never murder a baby.

“That’s good then” he smiles, as he puts his hand back on mine and then looks deep into my eyes, before leaning in and kissing me.

“Come on” Elliot says, as he pull away from me. I can’t help but notice that perfect little smile on his face. They say nobody is perfect, but I think I’ve found the exception to the rule.

We leave our empty cups on the table, as we make our way back to the car park, hand in hand. As we approach the entrance, I notice a bright flash.

“What the hell was that?” I ask, as I close my eyes, to try and get the light out of my head. I hate it when you see a bright light, because it takes ages before your vision is back to normal.

“Oi” Elliot yells, as I watch him start to chase someone down the street. He’s holding a camera, so I assume he’s a paparazzi. Elliot chases him right to the other side of the car park, where the man quickly gets in his car and drives off. He turns back to face me, with his hands on both of his knees, as he gets breathe back. I head towards him.

“You alright?” I ask him.

“Yeah” he says, as he stands up straight again. “I just can’t believe he got a picture of us” he sighs.

“Don’t worry about it. Someone was always going to. We are kind of in public” I smile.

“I know. We should have been more careful” he tells me.

“I suppose I better be heading home, anyway” I tell him.

“Yeah” he says, sounding disappointed at the suggestion. “Bye” he says, as he kisses me once more before heading off towards his car.

“Bye” I call after him and with that I make my way over to my own car.

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