Part Thirty-Four

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When I get home I sit down on the sofa, in relief. I’m so glad that me and Elliot managed to sort everything out and everything is alright with us now. I thought I’d lost him and that scared me to death. I love him more than anything and I don’t want my child to grow up without their father.

As I sit thinking about how perfect he is, I hear a knock at the door. I jump up in the hope that it might be Elliot, but then I remember that he only just left, so he wouldn’t be coming over yet anyway. I open the door anyway and when I do, I notice Stacy standing there, with a smile on her face.

“Hey” I say, awkwardly. The last time I saw her was when she was busy snogging my brother and that’s not something a friend should do, is it? I mean if they want to be together then that’s fine by me. I’m happy for them. But if something was to happen between them, I wouldn’t want to pick sides, because that’s not fair on anyone.

“Erm hey” she says, sounding as awkward as me.

“Are you coming in then?” I ask her, with a smile. To be honest, I’ve missed her. I haven’t seen her in what seems like ages.

“Yeah” she says, as I step to one side to let her in. We both go into the living room. Stacy sits down on the couch, whilst I head into the kitchen to make us both a cup of tea. Once I’ve made the tea, I head back into the other room, where Stacy is busy texting on her phone.

“Who are you texting” I ask her, as I put the teas down on the coffee table.

“No one” she says looking shifty and the first think I think is that she’s texting Ella. That would make sense wouldn’t it? I mean she doesn’t like me and Stacy knows everything about my life right now. Not to mention the fact that those pair used to be best friends. I quickly pull the phone out of her hand. I know I shouldn’t check her phone, but if she has been telling Ella stuff, then I need to know, don’t I? I don’t want to tell her everything else and the next thing I know, it’s in the paper or something.

“No, Leela” she says, as I open up her messages. To my surprise, Ella’s name isn’t anywhere to be seen. I then notice that the most recent name is in fact my brother, Steve. I feel my face drop at the thought of why they could be texting each other. It’s one thing snogging my brother, but starting up a relationship is one step too far.

“Steve?” I ask, as I hand her phone back to her.

“Look, I’m sorry, Leela. I really like him. I know you aren’t happy with me seeing him, but I am. Can’t you just be happy for us?” she asks, as she looks down nervously.

“Well it could be worse I suppose” I sigh, to which she looks back up at me.

“Like what?” she asks, unsure.

“Well I thought it was going to be Ella” I tell her, feeling quite stupid. I don’t think she would do something like that. I couldn’t have asked for a better friend, these last few months. Not only was she the only one to help me, but she’s also the only one who hasn’t judged me and there is no way I am going to lose her for something stupid, like her seeing my brother. She deserves to be happy.

“What? Why the hell would I text her?” she asks me, sounding quite offended.

“I don’t know, she’s just been hanging around lately” I sigh, as I take a sip of my tea.

“What do you mean?” she asks me, looking half confused and half annoyed.

“Well you know how Elliot gave me his number? Well Ella turned up at my house, telling me that if I didn’t let her come on this date with me, then she would tell everyone about us” I sigh.

“She wanted to go on a date with you? But I thought she was straight?” she asks me, looking even more confused and I have to admit, that cheers me up a bit.

“No” I laugh. “She wanted to tag along with me, when I met Elliot, so she could get him auto-graph and everything. Anyway, so I called Elliot and told him about it. As you can imagine, he wasn’t too happy with the idea. So we decided that we would meet up and not tell Ella” I say.

“Right, so she doesn’t know?” she asks.

“Well when we got back here, she turned up at the house and I hid, but she saw me and Elliot was sitting on the sofa, so obviously she saw him sitting there too. So anyway, I had to let her in and she told Elliot that I was pregnant” I sigh again.

“What did he say?” she asks me, with wide eyes, as she takes a sip of her own tea.

“Well he was fine with it, but I kind of flipped out, telling him that he will leave me anyway”

“Really?” she laughs.

“It’s not funny. Anyway we ended up having an argument and he left. But then I met him earlier and he was fine with it. Everything’s going well” I smile.

“But what about Ella?” she asks me, looking slightly annoyed, just from hearing the name.

“I don’t know” I sigh again.

“Well come on. I’ll make sure she won’t say anything. Scare her a bit, you know” she smiles, as she puts her tea back down on the table before standing up and rushing out of the room, before I can even stop her. I get up and chase after her.

“Stacy, wait” I shout, as I close the front door behind me. She doesn’t stop though and she’s already half way down the street.

“Come on!” she yells with a smile, as she turns round to look at me. I run after her, but that just starts her off again. She runs all way to Ella’s street.

“Stop!” I scream and to my surprise she does.

“What?” she asks me, as she leans over with her hands on her knees, as he tries to catch her breathe.

“Just leave it. You don’t want to cause more problems” I tell her, as I mirror her position.

“Seriously? You’re going to let that bitch get away with it?” she asks me, as she stands up straight again.

“It’s for the best” I sigh, as Stacy starts giggling. “What’s so funny?” I ask her, in confusion and at that moment I turn around to see Ella walking down her street with a Tesco’s bag. She must have been shopping. Before I can even turn back round to look at Stacy, she runs straight over to Ella.

“For god’s sake” I mutter, as I follow her.

“Oi” Stacy shouts at Ella. She swings around to face Stacy, who is now standing behind her. I love Stacy, she’s the sweetest person you could ever meet, but sometimes she can be quite intimidating and to be honest if I was in Ella’s position right now, I would be terrified.

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