Chapter 3

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As they were walking, someone called Lucy name. "Lucy! Lucy!" Lucy stoped walking and turn around to see who is shouting her name. Lucy is not surprised to see who is chasing after her. Well, Shaun is chasing after her.

"Keep walking and don't stop." Lucy said to Dev. "Lucy! Wait up! Lucy!" Shaun shouted to Lucy and keep on chasing after her. But, Lucy is Lucy. She's stubborn as a bull. She won't stop!

Lucy keeps on walking without bothering that Shaun is still on her trail, chasing after her. Panting heavily. Shaun ran over and closed enough to Lucy. He grabs her hand. Stopping her from walking any further. He's taking in as much air as he can. As Shaun is almost out of breath.

Lucy stop walking and turn around. Looking at the tired, breathless Shaun. She could even see the beads of sweat rolling down at the side of his face. She can feel the other part of her is getting exciting because of this.

But Lucy is not going to let that part of her to take control. With a sigh through her nose, she said, "What the fuck! Get your filthy hand off me! You asshole!" Lucy seems mad as she screams at Shaun. But that only makes Shaun grip her tight. Lucy glares at him like he could be sent to hell within that moment!

With a sigh of defeat, Shaun let go of Lucy's hand. Lucy rubs her hand and mumble, "Asshole!"

"What do you want?" She looks at him annoyed. Forgetting that Dev is right beside her. Witnessing the scene.

Dev looked at Shaun then back to Lucy. She wanted to laugh by just looking at the both of them. She could imagine them as a perfect, adorable couple. With the fight and chasing like that! Dev could only imagine. But soon, she is brought back to reality at the next word coming out from Shaun's mouth.

"Lucy, I.... I just wanted to apologize for what happen earlier. I didn't mean it to happen in public." Shaun said while looking at the ground. Suddenly he could imagine that a ton of diamonds is spilling out of the ground. So fascinating!

"What do you mean you didn't mean it to happen in public?" Lucy raises her brows.

"I-I didn't mean to kiss you in public. I just can't help it." Shaun said while running a hand through his hair.

"You didn't mean it! You just humiliate me in a front of those paparazzi, idiot!" Lucy shout at Shaun.

"Yeah, about that.... Well, I'm sorry." Shaun look at Lucy with guilt in his eyes.

"And sure you want to know the answer to that." Lucy said with a smirk while Shaun just nodded his head.

Lucy walks closer to Shaun and whisper in his ear. "Fuck you." Then, she kneed him where the sun doesn't shine. Lucy grab Dev's hand and walk away. Leaving Shaun in a massive pain.

Then Lucy stop and turn back to look at Shaun. "Maybe, you can make it up by having a badminton match with me. And maybe I could make up my mind to forgive you." Shaun just groan.

"Or maybe not." 

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