Chapter 9

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Lucy and Dev arrive at the Old Town not long before they found Shaun sitting alone in a chair. With a menu in his hand. Not even realizing that Lucy is sitting right in front of him.

While Dev, well, she's with her phone all day. Reading something while chatting too. Who is this guy that capture her heart? No one ever did capture her heart!

Lucy tapped Dev on her shoulder, making Dev looked up from her phone. She nudges her head at her as if asking her, "what's wrong?" Lucy rolls her eyes at Dev and point a finger towards Shaun's direction.

Dev make an 'O' shape with her mouth. Understanding what Lucy is saying. So, Dev sits back on her sit and cross her leg over the other. While Lucy leans forward while resting her elbow on the table.

"What are you doing?" Hearing Lucy's voice makes Shaun jumped a little. Startle. He put down the menu and give Lucy a glare. Then, Lucy and Dev started to laugh.

"When did you reach here?" Shaun asked now looking at Dev with a raise of his eyebrows.

"What you mean, when did I reach?" Dev grin at him. "Oh yeah, I forgot. Your beauty is in front of you and suddenly you forget about me." Dev pout a little then smirks.

Lucy rolled her eyes at Dev and look at Shaun. Shaun still has a slightly confuse expression on inside face. Lucy raises her brows and asked, "What?"

"Nothing. Just thinking over Dev's word." Then, Shaun smirk. "So my beauty, what do you want to eat?" The way Shaun called Lucy his beauty just make her blush.

"Anything will do, my darling. " Lucy wink and Shaun just smirk. The way he smirks tell Lucy that this isn't over yet.

"Omg! You guys really need to get a room.! Who knows what will happen after the staring contest. " Dev said still looking down at her phone.

"Why don't you go find yourself, a lover then you could know what it feels like." Shaun said now looking at the menu.

"Even if I did. I won't do it in front of you guys. It's disgusting." Dev said, rolling her eyes.

"How so?" Shaun asks Dev, slightly raising his eyebrows.

"Hmm, for example. You guys sucking on each others face. Not to mention, you..." Dev pointed her finger towards Shaun. "Shoving your delicate tongue down the throat of your beauty here. " Dev now smirks. Seeing the look on Shaun's now shocked face and Lucy blushes fiercely.

"So, do you want to hear some more?" Dev asked. Shaun quickly recovers and shake his head, no.

"I think I heard enough."Dev just smirks. Then, there's a tense silence. No one talking. Just doing their stuff.

Lucy clears her throat. Breaking the tense silence. "So Shaun, where's your brother that you said earlier?"

"Somewhere... I'm not sure." Shaun still looking through the menu. "He'll be back in a min-"

"Sorry I'm late." Someone says. Lucy looks up to see whom the voice belongs to. Shaun looks up from the menu and look at his brother. Then, he just shrugs his shoulder.

“Well, you are always late. What can I say.” Shaun rolled his eyes.

"So, who my these lovely ladies might be?" Shaun's brother takes his seat next to him.

"That beauty sitting in front of me is Lucy. Don't try to steal her away from me. " Shaun introduces Lucy to his brother. Lucy reply back with a small 'Hi.' But Shaun's brother’s eyes still stay on this girl sitting in front of him.

Dev didn't look up from her phone. As she is busy reading something on her phone. Didn't even notice that person sitting in front of her.

"That evil girl over there is Dev." Shaun said, keeping his eyes on the menu.

Dev heard the word evil coming from Shaun's mouth and scoff. "I'm not that evil."

"Yes, you are. " Shaun reply back while looking at Lucy.

"Ha! Ha! Very funny." Dev rolled her eyes.

That voice of hers reminds Shaun's brother of a person that he met at the court a few days ago. Dev as in, " Cruella Dev IL." He didn't even notice that he speaks out that last part.

"Dude, what are you saying?" Shaun asks his brother.

Hearing the word, Cruella Dev IL. Dev look up from her phone to glare at the person but shocked. When the person turns out to be, "Niigel?"

"The one and only." Niigel smirk at Dev's reaction.

"Your that idiot's brother?" Dev asks him while giving Shaun a smirk.

"Hey! I'm not an idiot." That is Shaun's only reply. While Niigel just chuckle.

Oh my bloody goodness! That chuckle just sounds so... Sexy! Dev thought. But snap out of it.

"How do you know that devil?" Shuan ask his brother.

"At the badminton court." Niigel said, still not taking his eyes off Dev.

"When?" Shaun asks getting slightly confused.

"Wait! You met Niigel when Shaun and I are..." Now Lucy's turn to ask.

"Yes! When you two lovebirds are sucking each other's face." Dev rolled her eyes and Niigle just laugh. Lucy just blushes.

"You actually did that, huh?" Niigel slap Shaun's arm playfully. "How was it?"

"It's disgusting. My poor virgin eyes hurt, just by looking at that awful scene!" Dev said and closed her eyes for a moment that look at Lucy.

"You don't have to say that out loud." Lucy glare at Dev. But Dev just shrugs her shoulder. Niigel just can't stop laughing.

While Lucy and Shaun are giving Dev their glares. Dev just smirks. Like she is thinking something... Evil. Niigel watches the scene playing in front of him like a really, really funny movie. He decided to break their glares from poor Dev.

"Okay kids, what do you like to eat?" Niigel ask.

"Anything. You choose for me." Dev smiles at Niigel and battle her eyelashes. Niigel just smirks back at Dev.

Ordering their food and drinks. And they begin to start up a normal conversation. Getting to know each other more. After finishing their breakfast. They went to the theater to watch some movie that's showing.

While they scanned the movie list. This one movie name catches all of their attention. Guess what is it?

Fifty Shades Of Grey! All of them are having a smirk on their face. Nodding their head. Shaun and Lucy go to buy the tickets while Niigel and Dev went to buy the popcorn and some coke.

After that, they all went into the theater room. Catching many couples there. Young and old. Wait! Why those some old couples wanted to watch something like this?

As Dev, Niigel, Shaun and Lucy takes their seat. The lights are starting to dim. Showing them that they are just in time for the movie to start. Lucy and Shaun are holding hands throughout the movie. While Niigel just put his arm on Dev's shoulder. Dev didn't seem to mind it at all and just enjoy the show.

That is how they spend their day. By the way, Fifty Shades Of Grey is really a turn on movie!

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