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"So you wanna go to Saints Seven after this?"

Ao looked up from her book. "The fuck is a Saints Seven?"

"It's a cafe that opened a few weeks ago."

"Uh, yeah." Ao continued reading.

Jai stood up and walked towards the shelves behind her. She scanned the shelves, put her book where it belongs, and got the next in the series.

"How many times have you read that?" Ao questioned as Jai sat down.

"A lot. There's barely anything to do during the summer, and what better is there to do?"

"Ditching work comes to mind."

Jai sighed. She wasn't surprised about the response she got, but she wasn't expecting the one she got at the same time. For probably the thousandth time, Jai opened her book.

"Any plans on how we're going to Saints Six or whatever?"

"Saints Seven. And I'm not picky. We could hot wire a car as far as I'm concerned." Jai sarcastically replied.

"That could work."

"No. Neither of us know how to hot wire a car."

"You don't know that."

"Yes, I do. You've tried it before."

"I did?"


Jai looked at the clock on the wall. About twenty more minutes until she could clock out. Twenty more minutes until she could get more caffeine in her system.

"Can you stop eyeing that clock like R. Kelly at a urinal?"

"Huh?" Jai swiftly turned her head to Ao.

Ao giggled and continued reading. Jai followed suit and skimmed pages at the speed of light.

Ao stood up silently, and walked towards the shelves behind Jai. She skimmed titles for one familiar font and name. As she picked up the book, she flipped to the very last page. 793 pages. She'll like it.

Jai looked towards the clock. 3:09 PM. A little later than she expected, but close enough.

"Ready to go- What's that?" Jai gestured to the bag on the table.

"Something. I think you'll like it, but yeah, let's go."

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