Chapter 3- Progress

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A/N- I hope y'all enjoy this one. This honestly has no direct plot and I'm just making stuff up as I go lol.


Police Station

"Do we have any new information?"

"Well nothing is directly useful yet. The quirks usually only work on items or don't send the person physically through time."

Tsukauchi bit his lip in frustration. All Might had asked him specifically to work on this case. But since this was a very...... unique case, they didn't have much to work on. He didn't know why All Might requested for him. Maybe it was because he was trusted? Fast? Smart? He normally didn't work on cases like these, it was usually murders, interrogations, or capturing villains & vigilantes. He took a sip of coffee and sighed.

"What's the most useful time quirk we have available?" he questioned.

"Um, one person's quirk is able to send objects back in time by touch. It doesn't work on living beings though, so it won't be able to send the older Midoriya back to the future."

Tsukauchi's buried his face in papers. He knew they wouldn't find a candidate quickly, considering the huge diversity in quirks. But they have been searching for over 2 weeks and nothing useful has shown up yet. Looks like they'll just have to keep searching.


Deku's POV

Being stuck 10 years in the past wasn't as bad as Izuku thought it would be. He was having a blast reliving his time at UA. In exchange for living at the dorms, he would help his younger classmates out with their training.

He walked into one of the many huge gyms in UA. Today the class was going to learn to fight against large hordes of villains.

"All right young students! Today we are..." All Might boomed. He took out a small slip of paper. "Learning how to fight against large groups of villains by yourself. You will be assigned to fight 10 different students by yourself to see how many you can knock out or throw out of bounds."

The class listened intently as they got ready to fight. When they heard they were fighting against 10 of their classmates by themselves, they sent out a barrage of complaints. How were they supposed to do that? They'll get totally overpowered!

"Don't worry about it!" Izuku encouraged. "I'll be giving you some advice beforehand, and you have a slight advantage knowing everybody's quirks. In the real world, you won't have that advantage. Not to mention you won't have to worry about your surroundings or conditions."

This made everyone relax slightly, but also worried about the 'real world'. All Might held out a box full of paper slips. Time to get started.


"Everybody did a wonderful job! Even if you lost your battle!"

That wasn't reassuring, considering only 4 people actually won. 

"Everybody clean up now and go to lunch!"

1-A groaned and started heading towards the locker rooms.

"Yo Kaminari!" Kirishima yelled. "How the hell did you win? It didn't even look like you used your quirk! It's like you just threw them out of bounds!"

Kaminari grinned proudly. "Midoriya-sensei told me I should use my quirk in short zaps so I wouldn't short circuit! 1 second is enough to throw em out. I just had to keep dodging the others while I did it though."

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