Chapter 5-Stranger

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A/N- How'd this crappy book get up to 100+ views? Thanks guys!


Deku's POV

Izuku was walking around the park. He loved the sight of the greenery, scent of fresh air, and the sounds of leaves rustling while kids were running around. He remembered when he and Katsuki had their first date. The park had changed a lot by then. The equipment was remodeled, and they drew a little K+I on a tree. Izuku felt a wave of nostalgia as he walked around.

He stopped when observed the playground. A bunch of kids were playing with the equipment and running in circles. Then he noticed something else. A 10-13 year old kid huddled up near a tree, crying in the shade. Izuku had the urge to talk to him. He felt a familiar sadness in him, it reminded him of the times when he was in that exact position. Crying, and alone.

Izuku took a closer look at the kid. He had bronze hair, messily cut, and soft yellow eyes, red from crying. He cautiously approached the kid, not wanting to scare him. He tapped the boy's shoulder lightly, catching the attention of him.

"Hey," he said softly, "are you okay?"

The small boy looked up at Izuku. Izuku could see the hurt in his eyes, and he got a pang of sadness in his heart. The boy looked away, not saying a word. Izuku looked at him in worry. He could tell this wasn't the type of crying you got from scraping your knees, or getting into a fight with your siblings.

He sat down next to him. "You don't have to tell me anything. After all, I'm a stranger that doesn't have anything to do with your business. But, if you want, you could talk to me. Getting everything out if better than keeping it bottled up."

He looked back at the boy. His eyes were closed and he looked very uncomfortable. It was like he was in pain... 

He watched as the boy suddenly put his face into his hands. "A-agh... it... it hu-rts..... s-stop it... stop it..."

"H-Hey! Are you okay? Do you need help? I-" 

"GET AWAY FROM ME!! YOU'RE MAKING IT HURT! MAKE IT STOP! GO AWAY!" he suddenly screamed. He shoved Izuku away desperately. Izuku looked away in shock. 'What the hell?' He backed up until he was a good distance away. 'What happened?' 

The boy suddenly started panting. His turned his head, facing Izuku. He took a step. Then another. Then another until he was about 5 feet (About 1.5m) away from Izuku. "You.... you're.... from.... but..... how?" He gasped out. He took another step towards him and immediately recoiled. 

Izuku was frozen. What should he do? Should he leave? Should be calling the ambulance, even? He was about to say something ,when the boy started running away. "Hey wait!" He called out. But it was useless. He was already gone, leaving Izuku in a huge state of confusion and worry.


A lot was going on in his mind as he stepped into the UA building. His mind kept floating back to the boy in the park. He was already worried about him crying, but when he suddenly started yelling, he only freaked out more. Then he suddenly ran off. It was like he hurt the boy just being around him. 'I guess I'll just have to just avoid him if we ever meet again. Or maybe I can try asking if I did something wrong.'

"Ahh, Izuku, just the person I was looking for!" chirped Nezu. He was about to continue on when he saw Izuku's expression. "Hmm. Are you okay? You look pretty deep in thought."

Izuku stammered. "O-Oh, nothing, something strange just happened today.. don't worry it's probably nothing....." Nezu looked at him. Nezu was the opposite of stupid. He could tell when something was up.

"Really? It sure doesn't seem like nothing. Tell me about it." Nezu said curiously. 

Izuku sighed in distress and sat down. "I encountered a boy at the park today. He was crying, so went to see what was wrong. But for some reason, a few seconds after I approached him, he started yelling out. I think he said I was the one 'making it hurt'. But I wasn't doing anything bad to him. Then, after I stepped back a little, he calmed down. I just.... don't understand it."

Nezu sat in thought for a moment. "Well, whether it's a big thing or small thing, there's nothing we can do. We don't know his situation. Although if you do meet him again, try talking to him, maybe from a distance this time though."

Izuku nodded. The thoughts weren't going to leave him just yet though. He still had a lot to think about. 


Hįpākø Ÿúgâçhï'ś PÖV

Today I went to the park like usual. Sneak out, run to the park, go to a tree, and cry. 

But today was different. I met someone. A man with a hat and sunglasses. He asked me if I was okay. That was the first in a long time somebody has asked me that. It felt nice.

Something was wrong though.

I got the headaches, numbness, nausea, cramping, pain. He was from a different time. That's why I got the same symptoms a few weeks ago. He got transported here because of me. Stupid quirk.

I ran. I ran like I always do. I could've helped him get back. But I didn't. I want to help him. So I followed him. I was surprised he was still at the park when I got back. But that's not important. I kept following him. I was too much of a coward to talk to him, especially since I screamed at him and ran off like that. 

He reached UA. I was surprised. He worked at the prestigious school UA? I stood at the gates for a few moments. I was thinking of going into UA and asking to see him. But being the coward I was, I didn't. I wouldn't even know what to say.

Maybe I'll just try seeing him later. After all, if I didn't get back, father would notice. It's not like he would want me back anyways, I was a burden to him. Yet for some reason, he kept me.

I decided I will talk to him tomorrow.


Tsukauchi's POV

The Red Art case was one of the hardest cases Tsukauchi had ever done. The Red Art case popped up recently after somebody drew a beautiful piece of art with blood. Next to the painting was a small name. The victim's name. Since then, more paintings had appeared.

It was a hard case to crack because of the lack of evidence. All that was left was barely anything except for the victim's name. Most of the victims were kids. It had been reported by their teachers that most of them were bullies, and bullied a wide range of kids too. Though the police doubted it, it could be one of the kids. But that was very unlikely.

Recently, a new painting had appeared. Despite the fact it was made of blood, it was very detailed and beautiful. It depicted 2 snakes on a wasteland, they seemed to be hissing violently at a fox, in between them. Above them was a big storm, with a dragon flying above the fox. Lighting struck the barren wasteland. The poor fox, looking scared for it's life, howled towards the sky.

The detectives always tried looking clues. Such as the meanings in the pictures. But they were always so cryptic they could never figure something out. The clues never added up. They studied this picture too. Like all the others though, it was hard to decrypt.

The killer was smart, talented, and wanted. They hoped they could find them soon.


1300 words

A/N- Heyo! Kudos to you if you can find the meaning of the picture. Also, I posted this book without any idea for the storyline, so it might be very confusing. ;-;

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