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Back to Present Day, November 2018. 

"One Iced Americano for Shirabu-san." she called from the counter.

Shirabu was awakened from his trance. So that was what happened. He was being a selfish bastard. He made her cry. He didn't got the chance to apologize to her since she avoided him even when graduation came. He gave up that fast. He was a coward.

Shirabu got up and walked at the counter to grab his drink.

"Thank you. Enjoy your drink, Shirabu-san." she says with a smile.

He just nodded at her and turned his back.

He was staring at the cup in his hands. Is he going to be a coward forever? Is he letting her go again? Is he?

Shirabu turned around and walked back at the counter.


She was surprised when he called her, and with her first name even.

"uhm do you need something else, Shirabu-san?"

"I'm sorry..."

She tilted her head. "uhh for what?"

"5 years ago, for making you cry..." he was looking straight to her eyes.

Her eyes widen a bit, surprised by what the boy infront of her just said.

She smiles. "Shirabu-san, don't worry about it. I already forgave you a long time ago."

"No...I--Can I talk to you? I have something to say actually..."

"Oh uhm my shift ends in 10 minutes, can you wait for a bit?" she says.

He nodded and took a seat at the nearest chair, waiting for her.

10 minutes passed and F/N was at the cafe's employee room to change her clothes and get her things.

"Hey F/N-chan, who's the guy waiting for you outside?" her cousin, the owner of the coffee shop asked.

"Oh uhm just someone I knew from high school." she says.

"Ah that's why he really looks familiar. Oh wait..." she stopped to think.

F/N looks at her cousin, waiting for what she's about to say.

"Don't tell me he's that guy you liked so much in high school, the one who has a lot of photos in your cameras..."

F/N's face turned red.

"Onee-san..." she whined.

"Oh so it's really him, since you're flustered and all..." her cousin chuckled.

F/N whines again.

"You still have that one polaroid photo with him in your wallet right? So you going out with him now, after all those years?" she teased.

"Nee-san! I-it's not like that..h-he just wanted to talk."

"Think of it, maybe it's why he wanted to talk to you."

F/N flusters more at what her cousin just said.

"Ah I'm sure it's not like that...I'm off, see you tomorrow." she says.

As soon as she walked in Shirabu got up from his seat and walked towards her.

After leaving the coffee shop, both were walking on the sidewalks, an awkward atmosphere surrounding them.

Shirabu was deep in thought about how he'd confront the girl. He was so nervous, like he was in high school again.

Meanwhile, F/N can't help but think about what her cousin said, the one where she says that the reason why Shirabu wanted to talk to her is to ask her to go out with him. Will he?

"So uhm you still take photos right?" he suddenly asks.

She looked at him and smiled a bit. "Yep, I uhh actually work for a photo studio and sometimes freelances for magazine photoshoots. I work part time at the coffeeshop to help my cousin by the way." she says.

He nods.

She was hesitating on continuing the conversation but then she asked "How about you?"

"Oh me? Still in Med School. A little bit more and I'll be a doctor I guess."

She smiled. "That's great. A doctor huh...it fits Shirabu-san really well."

"Uhm thank you..." He mumbles.

They were engulf in silence again until they stopped outside a nearby convenience store.

"so uhm what is it you want to tell me?" she finally asked.

He gulped. It's now or never.

"F/N...it's been 5 years but I...I still like you." he said.

She was surprised, to be honest she didn't know what to say.

"No...I...I love you." He continued.

Maybe a little too loud because it attracted the attention of some high school kids passing by.

F/N flusters, she still didn't know what to say.

"I can't just waste this chance again...I'm asking you to be my girlfriend, F/N."

Shirabu was taken aback when he saw tears on her eyes.

He was panicking. He just made her cry again. "Wait F/N...wait I'm I'm sorry...I"

She wiped her tears away. "No it's not...it's okay...it's just that I-I love you too but——"

"Wait, don't tell me you have a boyfriend already?!?!"

F/N bursted in laughter. "No, you idiot bowl cut boy. I love you okay? but we just saw each other again and I can't just say yes to being your girlfriend right away." she explains.

Shirabu heaved a sigh of relief. "O-okay then, but for the record, I already asked and I wouldn't take no for an answer since you already said you love me."

F/N flusters as she heard the high school kids who were eavesdropping snickering and saying things like "Oh couples these days." "They are so cute."

"O-okay...stop embarassing me!"

He chuckled and patted her head. "Come on, I'll treat you some ice cream."

She nodded.

He held her hand as they walked inside the convenience store.

"Shirabu-san..." she softly called.

"Hmmm?" He looked back at her.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too." He smiled and she smiled back.

"Oh and hey call me by my first name!" he demands.

F/N chuckles. "Okay, Kenjirou."


Hi! This is Kei, the author of this story. I wrote here to say that the next chapter will sadly be the last; it'll be short but it's a thank you chapter for reading this story. I hope you liked it so far.

And Oh it's May 4th so I also wanted to greet our leading man, my favorite boy, Shirabu Kenjirou a Happy Happy birthday!

And Oh it's May 4th so I also wanted to greet our leading man, my favorite boy, Shirabu Kenjirou a Happy Happy birthday!

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白布 賢二郎 お誕生日おめでとう!🎂😍🏐🎉


May the 4th be with you! 💕

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