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May 2020

Shirabu groans. Shielding his eyes from the sunlight when she opened the window blinds.

"Ken~ji~ro~ wakey~ wakey~" she called him in a sing-song tone.

"5 minutes more..." he mumbles.

"Hey hey, it's your special day. Are you just gonna spend it slumping on your bed all day?"

"Yeah, since I didn't get enough sleep last night remember?" he looked at her and smirked.

F/N's face turned red and she threw a pillow at Shirabu. "Shut up, just get up before I kick you out there."

He chuckled. "Okay okay, help me up maybe?" reaching his hand to her and even giving her the puppy eyes.

She rolled her eyes at him. "Ugh you're lucky you're cute."

F/N held his hand to help him up but as soon as she did he pulled her and she landed on top of him.

She whined and Shirabu chuckled, hugging her.

"I said get up not pull me here with you." she says, trying to break free from his teddy bear hug.

"Come on, can't we just stay in bed for a few more minutes."

She sighed. "You know, just because it's your birthday doesn't mean you'll get everything you want."

"That's okay, I already got it earlier." he says, a grin on his face.

She groans and got up the bed. "Kenjiro!"

"Okay okay, I'm getting up." He laughs.

"Whatever, I'm going to take a bath."

"Wait! Let me join you."

She glared at him.

"What? We can save water." he states.

She sighed. "I'll pretend I didn't hear that since it's your birthday." 

He laughed; he loves the expressions she makes when he teases her.

During lunch, F/N and Shirabu were on their way to the mall since she asked him to come with her.

"F/N, shopping isn't really what I envision my 25th birthday would be." he says.

"Relax, we're not here for shopping. Just follow me." She smiled.

After 5 minutes of walking, they finally came to stop in front of a restaurant. Shirabu followed her inside and when they got there he immediately gave her a look.

"Seriously?" He asked her, a scowl showing on his face.

"Otan'jōbi Omedeto!!" Shirabu's former teammates from Shiratorizawa cheered.

"What are you guys doing here?" Shirabu asked them with a straight face.

"There there Kenjiro, sweet Y/N here invited us to celebrate your birthday." Tendo says.

"That's right, Shirabu-senpai! We haven't really had a gathering like this for years. So it'll be fun." Goshiki chimes which earned him a glare from Shirabu.

"Come on, Kenjiro aren't you happy to see them?" F/N asked.

"No." he flat out answered.

"Hey, you brat!" Semi complains.

"Kenjiro! Stop being a tsundere. I know you're happy to see them. Look, even Ushijima-san who's super busy is here for you." F/N says.

Ushijima just gave an acknowledging nod at F/N and Shirabu.

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