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last weekend jongin and i found out the gender of our baby and today our parents are throwing us a baby shower. at first we'd decided we wanted to wait until the baby was born but as soon as the doctor told us he saw the gender, we chose to find out. with our baby being the second exo baby, we know we have a lot of people weighing in on what they think the gender will be and therefore some pressure to please them. jongin and i both want a girl, along with our close friends and family, and we really think it is one. jongdae wants it to be a girl, especially, so his daughter has a friend of the same age to play with as they grow up. we don't care what the gender is, of course, but i think jongin will be cute with a little girl.

people start arriving at the room we booked at around 2pm and as soon as they do, jongin's parents are there handing out boy and girl stickers. we want our guests to have fun so we decided to get them to choose the sticker for what gender they think the baby will be. by the time everyone is there, all of the boy stickers are gone and there are still some girl ones left over.

"everyone thinks it'll be a boy," i say to jongin.

"literally everyone but our parents, the other members and their partners," jongin agrees. "i don't know why they think it's a boy, though, it's definitely a girl."

"i think so, too," i reply. "i think jongdae will be upset if it's a boy."

he chuckles, wrapping an arm around me and pressing a kiss to my temple.

"it doesn't matter what jongdae wants, all that matters is that we're going to have a beautiful baby," he says.

"i agree," i say. we kiss once then pull away to walk over to the box full of balloons in the middle of the room.

"hi everyone," i say loudly, immediately getting everyone's attention. "before we start, jongin and i just want to say thank you to all of you for coming today. we weren't going to find out the gender of our baby originally but after the appointment last weekend we decided we couldn't wait anymore so that's why we're all here today. you all know that we want a little girl and really think that the baby is one, but all that matters is we're lucky enough to have a baby and family and friends that support us. so thank you and we love you all."

"alright, enough sappy stuff, just open the box!" my mom yells. everyone bursts out laughing as jongin and i both grab the lid of the box.

"on three!" jongin says. we all count down then jongin and i lift the top off and i grin seeing pink balloons fly out.

"it's a girl!" i cheer. jongin runs over to me and pulls me into his arms, picking me up just a little to spin me around.

"i'm so glad," he says. when he puts me down, he cups my cheeks and pulls me into a kiss, both of us unable to contain our grins. we hug everyone else after, thanking them when they congratulate us, until we get to jongdae, his wife and their daughter. i take the baby from jongdae and she stares up at me with her big, beautiful eyes and a grin.

"your little cousin is a girl!" i tell her. "you've got a best friend for life now."

she obviously doesn't understand, being only a few weeks old i wouldn't expect her to, but she squeals happily nonetheless and i take that as a good sign.

"i'm so happy you're having a girl," jongdae says.

"me, too," i say. "i've grown up around girls, i don't think i could handle a boy."

"you would have been a great mother either way but i think a girl suits both of you most," he says. i grin and thank him, pulling him into a one-armed hug. i hand him his daughter back then before heading over to where jongin is talking to his family.

the party goes on for a few more hours, everyone enjoying the snacks and cake we have, and when jongin and i finally get home we're exhausted. we both immediately flop down on the couch and jongin leans over to lay his head on my stomach lightly, kissing it occasionally as he whispers things to the baby.

"i can't wait for you to come, baby girl," he whispers. "see you soon."

i'm so soft for exo and babies rn and so unbelievably happy for jongdae and his wife. let's continue to love them forever!

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