The Second Encounter

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             "There's no way!" you say as you flip through the pages of the manga. You had neglected to review the contents of the manga when you were at school and this all came as a shock to you. "I am the main character of that guys manga?!" you exclaim as you turn the page again. "I know our names don't match! but that doesn't change the fact that they look just like me!" you reason with yourself out loud, which resulted in a yell from your parents telling you to shut up. You begrudgingly lay down and pull your covers over yourself. A thought lingered on your mind as you tried to sleep. (what is he getting at...using me as the source of his manga..).

Sunlight peered in through the slightly opened blinds on your window, your eyes wince a little before your body fully wakes up. You check the time praying that you didn't oversleep, to your luck the sun had woken you up just in time to make it in time. "better get going if i want to get there in time.." you think as a flash back to what happened the last time you were late. "no there no way i could run into that guy again." you say to yourself as you head out. Now that you were out much earlier, more students were present on your walk to school. Seemed they all were aware of just how inflexible the gate guard was. as you walk you overhear a rather loud group walking a slightly slower pace than you. "no i finally managed to snag one right before they ran out! its mine!" The student says. His friend protested and tried to grab at the bag. "Come on Josuke...i was trying to pay for it..but i didn't have enough yen and had to put it back..." His friend says. "Did Keicho even buy everything for you?" The student who now you knew was named Josuke responds. 'uh..yeah.." his friend says. Josuke sighs and holds up his sandwich bag. "I'll split it with you, but next time make sure to bring enough yen with you okuyasu!" josuke says. You raise a brow as you continue to walk towards the school. (All this banter over some sandwich?) you think to yourself as you let out a small chuckle. Suddenly you feel the air around you feel stiffer as you could feel the glares of the two men behind you get closer. "OI Josuke.. i think this little punk find something about us funny.." Okuyasu says as he bends down close to your face. "I agree.. we are the only ones walking this route... and they dont seem to be listening to anything either.." Josuke says also get in close. "So whats so funny?" Josuke asks you. (wh-what the hell do i say?! should i just say the truth... i cant think of any excuses!) "i-i just found it a little funny that you two were arguing over a sandwich... its just a sandwich.." you say trying to not let your voice shake. "Just a sandwich?! this isn't just a sandwich! this is ST. Gentlemens!" okuyasu exclaims. "St...Gentlemens...?" you respond genuinely clueless as to what they were on about. "W-wait! you've never had it!?" Josuke adds as both of their intimidating features soften. "No im still quite new to Morioh.. i havent been about town much.." You respond. "Well then what are we waiting for! lets get you some ST. Gentlemens!" Josuke exclaims as he and Okuyasu both grab one of your arms and start full on running towards the elusive ST. Gentlemens. "W-wait! What about our classes!?" you protest. "Oh theres no harm in skipping one or two!" Josuke responds. "Or three " Okuyasu adds. You gulp and let the inevitable trip to ST. Gentlemens happen.

Upon arriving you all walk into the store, as soon as you open the door you are hit with the tantalizing scent of freshly made food. Joskue and Okuyasu could tell by your eyes that you were surprised. "They should have sandwiches out for lunch soon" Joskue says as he and okuyasu start to browse ST. Gentlemens other products. This wasn't how you thought your day would be going, but the change of plans wasn't a bad thing, heck you were getting a free lunch out of it. "Oh i think they are coming out! im getting a hot one right from the toaster!" josuke exclaims as he rushes over. "You better hurry and grab the one you want they go fast!" Okuyasu adds as he rushes over as well. you take the hint and speed-walk over to where the sandwiches were, the one you wanted in your sights. You hear the door to the shop open as you reach out for the sandwich that you wanted. As you reach for it another hand grabs it at the same time you do. the hand was rather warm and felt to be a bit bigger than your own. Without moving your hand you turn to see that it was Rohan kishibe! You yank your hand away the moment you realized who it was. "Mangaka guy!" you says as you stare into his eyes. rohan lets out a small chuckle and leans in a tiny bit closer. "tardy student" He responds. You grit your teeth a little as a tiny blush brushed your cheeks. The both of you stare eachother down for a few second before realizing what was really important. Your eyes dart back to the sandwich that you had tried to grab a few seconds before. Rohans eyes also dart to the sandwich and seemed to be calculating how to best grab it. Both of your eyes dart to the sandwich dart from the sandwich and back to each other for a few seconds. You grow tired of waiting for your lunch and attempted to grab it quickly, but Rohan grabs your arm and holds it up barely elevating you off the ground . You attempt to grab it with your other arm but it was now to far away to even reach the sandwich. Rohan swiftly grabs the Sandwich and releases your arm. As you stare at him in disbelief that he won, rohan bends down slightly and brings his face closer to yours. he holds up the sandwich so that you could see it. "I'll be buying this" he says. Rohan then turns away and goes to the checkout.

"I can't believe rohan did that... he can be so rude sometimes." Josuke says as he walks back with you. " I don't mind sharing some of mine with you if you want." Josuke adds. "nah...thats okay i think i've lost my appetite...besides....that was hours sure theres nothing left of your sandwich other than the sauce on the wrapper." you reply. "O-Oh...kinda forgot i ate it..heheh" Josuke says. You laugh a little in response and start to look aorund. you are about to turn away back to Josuke and Okuyasu when you notice something in the corner of your eye. You jerk your head to confirm that what you saw was correct. (What it cant be! that was only a couple hours ago!) you think as you inspect the stores display case. It stated "Just in! Revised manga!" (revised? what like edited?) you think as you look at the book closer. There was one thing that was apparent, it was the second volume to A chance Meeting.

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