The Note

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              You reach into your backpack feeling almost stupid for doing so. (there's no way the notes is actually in here...its just a manga plot!) you think as you take your hand out. As you are about to give up your search a piece of paper that seemed unfamiliar catches your eyesight. (oh im just being stupid..its probably just a note from school or something. ) you tell yourself as you open it. All notions of the note possibly anything else other than Rohans disappeared once you saw his signature on the paper. (Whats he doing giving me a note this way!? why didn't he just...give it to me in person?) you think as you hold the note. (did he know i would read his manga?) you think as you begin to read the note very intrigued. "Come meet me at the sandwich shop, you know which one" you read to yourself out-loud. (you know which one? how could i possibly? why cant he be upfront?!) you think before remembering the prior issue you read. (Is it St. gentlemens?!) you realize. a bit excited to see what this was all about you lay down into bed almost to excited to fall asleep. (What am i getting excited about? he probably wants to get more ideas for is manga...but he did go through all this trouble to get me to ST gentlemens! the guy literally invited me through his manga? that's so crazy! to go through all that to not talk to me in person!) you think as you fall asleep.

The next day you awake early as to get ready to meet Rohan at the sandwich shop which you reasoned must be ST. Gentlemen's. (OH! what should i wear? is this just a friendly meeting? yeah it must be! i shouldn't overdress!) you reason with yourself as you choose your outfit. After an hour you are now ready to head out to ST Gentlemens. (I really hope i didn't get the wrong place..) you think as you walk there starting to feel a bit nervous. you contemplate Rohans intentions as you walk to the shop wondering why he asked you to come. (well there's no turning back now..) you think as you wait outside looking for the mangaka. A voice in the distance catches your attention. It was Rohan and he was coming towards you. You finally realize that Rohans note was no joke and he really meant to meet you here. " thanks for showing up..i wasn't sure if you would..i wanted to...ask you for a favor...." Rohan says almost in a haste to get it off his chest. "U-um..want to sit down somewhere?" rohan says trying to not look you in the eyes seemingly nervous to hear your response. "O-fcourse.." you respond. Rohan stands up straight and seemed to be surprised that you said yes. "O-oh the right this way! and don't fall behind..!" Rohan says retaining some of his usual nature. once inside Rohan sits on the opposite side from you. "i needed new scenarios for my new manga is all!" he states before anything else. "You know since its....A shoujo..its my first time writing anything of this nature..i need all of the experiences i can get to write my characters properly!" Rohan says before he takes a deep breath before he takes out a menu. "S-so..would you like anything? and i am on a budget!" Rohan adds as he hides his face behind the budget. (Should've know this whole thing would be for his manga...but it is kind of fun i guess..) you think as you found yourself amused at the situation at hand. "Oh you don't have to treat me.." you respond. "I insist! so i get the full experience for m-my manga!" Rohan says a bit more shrill than usual. "Oh-okay.." you say not wanting to turn down free food.

As you both wait for your dishes the silence was growing. Rohan then starts to read through a book. He then sets it down. you attempt to get a glance at the book he was reading but it was futile as he put it away. "Wow the weather is" Rohan says before face palming. "that was wonder there are no pauses in mangas like this...oh the food is coming.. thank goodness..." Rohan says spotting the waiter in the distance. the waiter brings over a plate for you which had the cupcake you ordered, Rohan received his hot cocoa. You find yourself enjoying the treat lost in its flavors. Rohan smirks and then reaches over and wipes your face when you were done. He had obviously never done this before and does it almost harshly. " are so messy.." Rohan says with a smirk as he starts to draw on his sketchbook. (No of all things hes going to record about today! it has to be that!?) you think embarrassed that you let your guard down so much in front of Rohan. Rohan seemed pleased with himself and with the new manga material. As you and Rohan finish up your meals you notice something out the window. (IT was JOSUKE!) Almost instinctively sink in your seat. Rohan takes notice a raises a brow. "whats wrong?" he says a bit confused. "U-um...don't look now but.." you say but then look again to see he got closer. Rohan notices the issue and then he and you both hide under the table with your backs against each others. It seemed that Rohan also did not wish for Josuke to see them you both. You blush a lot never having been this close Rohan. You could feel his breathing against your back and knew he could in turn feel yours. Rohan lets out a small chuckle. "This is certainty the turn of events!" Rohan says. "I haven't had this much inspiration in so long! Its invigorating!" Rohan says out loud. Afterwards he seems to become reserved again. " for coming out.." he says as he gets up from under the table. "Maybe we can do this again some time.." Rohan says before departing. (He wants to go somewhere with me again? and what was that book he was reading..?) you think and then shrug it off. (im kind of excited to see how this will get used for his manga!) you think as you go home glad Josuke hadn't caught you with Rohan. (Right?) 

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