The Third Issue

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            The day was nearly uneventful aside from your usual antics with Josuke and Okuyasu, which often had you skipping class. You, Josuke, and Okuyasu were on your way back from a tasty and painful meal at chef Tonios when you spotted the book store across the street. "Oh I'll be right back..." you say as you go inside. Josuke grabs your shoulder. "We are coming with!" He says with a smirk. "yeah sure whatever.." you say hiding your blush. (Dammit I don't want them to watch me buy Rohan's manga and then ask me questions! I'm only buying it because it's my duty to see what he is going to do to a character that looks just like me!) You tell yourself as you walk inside. You stride to the manga section looking to see if Rohan's next issue was there, you weren't even sure if it was released yet. To your delight it was! (He really is fast!) you think as you pick up the issue. "Whatcha buying?" Josuke says leaning over your shoulder. "One of Rohan's manga?" He adds as he looms over you. "I-I'm just looking!" You say as you put it back to embarrassed to buy it in front of them. Joskue picks it up. "It's obvious you want it. So just buy it." He says handing it back to you. You take it and look to hide your slight blush. "What's so special about it anyway?" Josuke asks. "W-well I.." you pause. (What do I say back!?) you think frantically searching for a excuse. "I-I..I am trying to solve a mystery!" You say out loud. This seemed to pique both Josuke and Okuyasus Attention. "A mystery?" Okuyasu and Josuke say in tandem. "Yes Yes! You see...every issue has a random letter on the side!" You say pointing to the one on issue three, which was a O. "I've been
Collecting them to see what it could mean!" You say as you proceed to purchase the book. "Oh? What were the letters on the issues you got?" Josuke says genuinely interested in helping solve the mystery of the manga letters. "Oh! Yeah..the letters o have so far are I,L, and O.." you respond. "I'm completely lost on what it means so far.." you add. Okuyasu jumps up. "Hey maybe you have to rearrange the letters ! Like an anagram!" Okuyasu says. "Maybe you're right!" You say a little surprised that Okuyasu actually had a good idea. Okuyasu beams as he rushes to borrow a sheet of paper and a pen from the book store clerk. "Okay what were the letters again?" Okuyasu asks. "Oh they were I,L, And O..and that's them in order of issue."you respond curious to see what Okuyasu would come up with. Okuyasu starts to jot down on paper trying out many combinations with the letters . He crosses out many many attempts and then excitedly circles one. "IVE GOT IT!" He yells a little to loud for a book store. "What? What is it?!" Josuke says nearly as excited as you to see the answer. "HERE IT IS!" Okuyasu says beaming. Under the many crossed out attempts, one word was circled OIL. "See I solved the anagram! The answer was OIL!" Okuyasu states as he proudly holds the paper up. Both yours and Josukes enthusiasm fades. "Oil?! Why the hell would Rohan write oil?!" You respond. "I dunno the guy is weird" Okuyasu replies with a shrug. "Seems I've Come no closer to solving this mystery..." you says with a sigh. "Well is that the last issue or will there be more..?" Josuke says. "Oh you're right! This is only the third issue.. there's no telling how many I'll need to solve the puzzle..if it is even a puzzle at all.." you reply as you put the book on your bag. Joskue nods and you all head towards your homes.

Once you were home you open up the book almost forgetting to search for a moment you obviously inspired. Reading Rohan's works had came much more naturally as you became accustomed to his style. You were reminded of your mission once you noticed the names on the page that explained characters. "Who the hell is JOHAN..." you say out loud as you look closer at the page. (What's this Rohan...I mean JOHAN guy about..) you think as you remember the last issue. "Oh! That's the guy who was with my doppelgänger In The sandwich shop!" You say to yourself as you begin reading. The manga was uneventful until a very familiar incident happens once again. Seems the main character was late to school once again. You read as the character run towards the closing gate. (Great he will embarrass me again..) you think as you read on. However the next page came as a surprise. The character Johan stands up from his bench and stops the gate from closing with his foot before it could close. "How awfully rude of you mr. guard." You read out loud. (Here he goes changing everything again!!) you think as you read on. "You shouldn't interfere!" You say as you read the guards lines. You then read where johan convinces the guard to let you in through multiple clever statements. You then see a part where johan slips a note into the protagonists backpack. (Wait what? Usually these almost exactly copy what actually happened! That did not happen!) you think as you start to stare at your backpack that was in the distance. (Did it?) you think as you look at the manga and the towards the backpack again. You start to edge towards your backpack and pick it up. (N-no it's a's not like it's actually about me or anything..) you think as you put it on your bed. You squint your eyes closed for a moment before opening your backpack.

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