Chapter 1

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 It was three or so days ago that I decided to go home to Kuroyuri, before the Vytal festival. Well, I would have preferred to stay in Oniyuri and skip the dumb event all together, but it was important to my team, and it was being held in our own school, Haven Academy, this year. Which somehow makes missing it an even greater crime. Anyway, I brought up leaving for Kuroyuri to the team, of course they said it was a good idea, it was even decided that we would head to Oniyuri, Jina's village, too. Grey seen his parents all the time in Haven, while Nya's died when she was little, so the two of just came along for the ride. 

I had wanted to take a ship straight  down to Oniyuri, but the others had wanted to walk through the villages. So, we ended up taking a ship that would take us to the edge of Anima so we could walk. Until some engines crashed, leaving us in Patch. We started walking when we came across that pack of Beowolves yesterday.

The battle with the Beowolves has left me in a rather unpleasant mood, especially since I was thrown into a tree at one point. Right now, all I wanted was to yell "I told you so!" at my team for making us take that ship, but we were all in it together, and my yelling wouldn't solve a thing. Except maybe make me feel better...maybe. 

"Where are we," Jina asked from somewhere down the road behind me. 

It was Grey who answered from in front, "still somewhere on Patch Island."

"Why are we on Patch, this is the wrong island on the wrong continent!" I shouted, letting a little too much frustration come out.

"Um, Ryker the ship ran into trouble so we had to stop, remember? We're taking a boat over to Anima, when we get to the shore. It was your idea, you didn't  want to wait the few days it would take to fix the ship" Nya said, "so we all decided to just get moving on our own."Her voice sounded annoyed with me,  I don't know why, she wanted to take a boring walk, so great, now we're walking.

"Are you ok?" Jina asked, her voice small, words kind, like the always were. 

"I'm fine," that was hardly the truth. 

It didn't take long for the others to sense that I was just in a bad mood, so they walked a little faster to give me some space. I took Cadence Striker, my watch, off my belts and started swinging it around in frustration. My back hurts, I'm tired, we could have been in Oniyuri three flipping days ago, and ... I accidentally released my watch, sending it flying some far distance away in the trees. Perfect. I thought. 

"Guys, I'll be right back!" I called ahead.

"Everything ok?" Jina asked.

"I just threw my stupid watch," I mumbled, stomping into the thicket of trees.

I walked though the trees looking for my watch. Stupid Patch, I thought. Stupid ship, stupid...what? I stared right a small home. It was like a little cabin, with brown wood for the walls, and darker wood for the roof. It was perfectly placed in a clearing of neatly mowed grass. 

"Sis!" Suddenly a young, black haired, girl with a red hood appeared out of the trees to the left. " I was just looking for berries when this clock thing hit me in the head!" 

Oops, my bad. I seen another girl come out from inside the house, this one with blonde hair, a few years older then the black haired one. 

" Ruby? What are you talking about?" She walked over to the girl who was known as Ruby. Who is her sister? They don't really look alike. The blonde girl took the watch. "Probably belongs to someone, we should try to return it. 

"Maybe it belongs to a HUNTSMAN!!!" Ruby shouted at the top of her lungs. Well she's not wrong. 

" I don't know Ruby..."

"What if it did Yang! That would mean there is a Huntsman near here!" Ruby yelled leaning into her sister's face.

The girl, Yang, laughed, "maybe Ruby, but how 'bout we just put it back. Whoever it does belong to might come back looking for it."

"Ok," replied Ruby. " I found it right here, well, here is where it would have landed if it didn't hit me in the head," Ruby told Yang placing the golden watch down beside a bush not far from the house. 

"Alrighty  then, now let's head inside, Dad said dinner is ready," Yang told Ruby. 

"Yay!" Ruby skipped beside her sister all the way into the house. But I'm very sure I heard Ruby say one other thing before she disappeared inside, " I'm going to be a huntsman when I'm older Yang!"

"Huntress," Yang corrected. 

And that was it, the two girls were gone. I quickly ran out from my place in the trees and grabbed my watch, then ran back to path to catch up.

I found that the others had decided to stop and wait for me by a big tree. Jina got up and ran over to me. 

"You sure you're ok? What took so long?" She asked taking my arm. 

"It just took me longer than expected to find it. And yeah, I'm ok," and this time, I think I meant it. " let's get moving, or we're going to miss the boat to Anima, if that happens, I will not be ok,"

Jina gave her signature smile-laugh with her eyes closed tight. "Ok," she said. 

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