Chapter 9

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Jina and I were investigating in Hisea Forest around Kuroyuri one evening, when we got a little turned around and lost our way back home. When we found the river it was quite I relief, for Kuroyuri was south of this river, so we followed it south. Eventually we  could see the village lights of Kuroyuri. 

Suddenly, I froze, holding up my hand to make Jina stop behind me. There was a tall dark figure coming out of Kuroyuri. She had two long swords across her back, and black hair tied high. Most importantly, I knew she did not belong in Kuroyuri. 

Without hesitation,  the girl lit up her hand with fire, and looked at her scroll. The thing that scared me the most was that the fire and light from the scroll revealed her face. She looked like Mum. 

Jina pulled me behind a tree so the light didn't reveal us too. We looked at each other, Jina wrapped her hand around mine, we both knew something wasn't right.

The girl tucked her  scroll back in her pant pocket then began walking our way, Jina tried to pull us farther away from her, but she tripped on a tree stump, her hand slipped from mine and landed with a loud thump. Fire flew directly over her head. I jumped in front of Jina, and pulled my sai out of its sheath that was tied to my thigh, and gripped it tightly in my left hand. We had been discovered. 

The girl walked towards us, she unsheathed her long swords and grasped them tightly in her hands. Her yellow eyes seemed to be trying to burn holes through me, every step she took, the way her hair swayed and her eyes slowly blinked, all seemed so menacing. Behind me Jina tried to stand, but winced and fell back to the ground. I looked back to see her holding her left leg close to her chest, blood slowly oozing out of the back of her knee. On the ground in front of Jina, I seen the sharp, broken, tree stump that probably just ended our lives.

I didn't know what to do, I couldn't see well enough to attack, Jina was hurt, and this girl was probably ready to kill us. She was feet from us when I made a decision. I knew it was a long shot but, I threw my sai as hard as I could towards her evil glare, then heard her wince and curse. The sai was soon sent right back at me, and pierced my arm, and imbedded itself in a tree. Quickly I pulled out the sai, and spun around to block her swords from smashing down on my head. Yet,  I stumbled backward on impact. 

She took the opportunity, quicker then I could think, she did I side spin, with her long swords out.  One blade struck my right eye, and twice my chest was deeply sliced all the way down to my gut. I fell to my knees, coughing blood, clutching  my stomach, I heard Jina scream my name. I waited for the final strike that would kill me, but it never came. Instead a heard metal against metal. When I looked up, I seen Mum, her katana blocking the girl's swords. I watched them fight, they were almost evenly matched, though Mum fought smarter, while the girl battled with mainly rage. Looking at them together, I seen just how alike they were, their black hair, their tall height, the way they held their weapons until their knuckles were white. I tried to watch more, but my breath was coming in short rasps. I looked at my hands and arms that I had around my stomach, they were soaked in blood. I couldn't see the ground well, but I could feel that it too was sodden with blood. I tried to wipe the blood from my face, but no matter what I did, I was losing breath. I fell unconscious, but not before I heard Mum say, "don't ever touch my son again, sister..." 

When I woke, I was lying in my bed, my blood soaked clothes were lying on the floor. I tried to sit up, but my stomach screamed in pain. I looked at myself, my stomach and arm were wrapped tightly in bandages. I felt my hair, which still had blood in it, and felt the bandage around my eye. Honestly, I don't even know how I was alive. 

In a few minutes, my mum walked through the door carrying fresh bandages. When she seen me awake, she dropped the bandages and clasped her hands over her mouth. She ran over to me with tears in her eyes. She sat beside me on my bed. 

"I'm sorry," she whispered, crying, " no one will ever hurt you again." 

"It's not your fault," I said, "Jina,  she's ok?" My voice was weak. 

"Yes," Mum choked out. 

"...I'm ok too Mum," I told her. 

"I know," she sobbed, her face in my neck "You're's all ok." 

I woke with a start. Sure the memory came to an ok, well, mediocre, conclusion, but no matter what, almost losing your life was always enough to make you wake breathing heavy. I looked around my room and seen the bright sun coming through the curtains, and seen that Grey wasn't sleeping in his bed. Therefore Grey must've gotten up already, and I slept in. 

I got out of bed and pulled my clothes from the drawer in the middle of the room, then went to change in the bathroom. No one else was here, so I could've changed right in the main room, but ever since I was little I always changed in the bathroom. Not to mention the countless times Grey has come bursting through the door without knocking, when you least expected it. 

I took off my PJ pants and put on my black jeans. Before I put my shirt on I stared at my bare stomach and chest, and sighed at the long scars they bore. I pulled my shirt over my head, then put on my long, russet, jacket. From the jackets' pocket I pulled out many gold chains and my watch, I snapped the larger few around my waist and looped my watch around one of them. The last smaller chain I put around my neck. 

I looked at myself again. " No matter how I hide them, they're still there," I said silently to myself. I ran my hand up the right side of my face, pulling back the long strip of hair, then I just held it there, at the top of my head. I stared into my eyes, my left brown one, and my right cloudy one. "I wish I knew why my aunt attacked me, what did I do? What did my mum do? I wish I knew," I let my hair fall back into place. 

 On the counter there was a small container with several gold and bronze items inside. First I picked out four small, bronze, earrings, and put two in each ear. The last three items were rings. I slipped the plain gold ring on my right middle finger, and the bronze, spider shaped, ring beside it. The last was shaped like two gears, it was the same symbol that the back of my jacket bore, I put it on my left index finger. With that, I picked up my PJ pants from off the floor and left.

I threw the pants onto my bed and left them there in a messy pile. From the side of the door I took my rust coloured boots and put them on. Then I opened the door and went downstairs, leaving my past memories behind. 

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