1: F.M.L

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''Let's just cut the BS and be brutally honest. I'm a lot of things but I'm not a keeper. Don't get attached! Thats my only rule. So, am I to blame that they all got hurt!?''

Meet, SharrieZad a girl with many talents and amazing qualities except one.... She turns down every good guy that comes her way.

Will she ever learn to keep a guy?


××××Sharriezad's POV××××

''You already know who I am so I'm going to skip the formalities.
I also know, that you know, that I'm a ticking time bomb, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this in the first place.
So yeah, we are already acquainted. Sweet!! So let's just get to the good stuff, shall we?

What you don't know is how and why, I turned out this way.

Fortunately for me, my story is one of those cliche ones. I had an awesome childhood until I became a teen, then things we'rent so black and white afterwards. Yeah big deal. We all have back stories. Mine ain't special in any way so please don't get emotional on me.That's life.

But we'll get to all of this later on. Right now I'm just trying to get through my day without losing my shit on any one.

I am a content creator slash social media manager at one of the most prestigious PR firms in our state, Ace PR Corporation. Now I know what you're thinking. If it's so prestigious then what the flying f*ck is wrong with your day? Huh! I'll tell you why.


Shit. Im so sorry, I shouldn't be taking this out on you. You're just new here and we've just met. My bad.So much for first impressions huh? Clearly I need to work on that. I will. I just need a breather.

Alright here's the thing. Like I said earlier this company is a major deal. This means that we are always on our toes to make sure we live up to our name. We are not just all talk. We deliver and we do it with class, unique style and quality as assured to all our clients no strings attached. Because of this every department in this damned building is under pressure to perform. Same applies to the Media Department which I'm a part of.

Are we starting to connect the dots?

Awesome, see I knew you'd understand.

So yeah, today is one of those days that I wish I wasn't an employee but the bills ain't gonna pay themselves right?

I have been at this since Monday this week and now it's 2pm on Friday yet still my supervisor won't approve my work. I can't move to phase 2 of this project without clearing with him first and I'm waaaaaay behind schedule.
The rest of my team is already on second phase and they kicked off from Wednesday the latest.

Now you can understand my frustration since both my supervisor and his manager are on my neck for slowing the team down.

I am good at what I do the numbers don't lie yet for reasons known to him he just won't give me the go ahead. The deadline for phase 1 is this Saturday or I lose my chances at getting credits for the project which I cannot allow to happen. There's just no way in God's green earth would I be a silent executioner of this multi million project if all goes according to plan.

It's an opportunity that needs my name on as a participant not to mention the reputation I have to keep. So now I have to suck up to my supervisor and give him the edge he expects no less.

There goes my weekend plans.
Guess whose not going to be turning up this Friday night?

Yeah Fuck My Life!!!..''


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~Love Sharrie~

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