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So here I was, darting through the hallways in the abandoned school that was once called Myrlin high school. They had found my hiding place again and it was time for me to escape. I come across a room that had strange sounds coming from it, almost like a little girl was crying.
"I hope they don't find us in here" a voice said,
"I'm scared" said another, I open the door to the classroom and take a peek in so I could try and see the little girls.

Across the room I saw a horrendous disfigured shape that looked like it had two heads. It looked right at me and said,
"Oh look, they did find us, well, I guess we have time to play another game, do you want to know the name of the game?" It asked me.
I stood there silently, frightened at the sight of the being.
"I guess you don't talk, oh well, I'll tell you anyways. The name of the game is, YOUR GOING TO DIE!" The creature lunges at me.
I have about three seconds before this creature reaches me, so I have to decide wether to run or to fight. All I know now is that One of our lives is going to end today...

The Story's Of SirishaWhere stories live. Discover now