Chapter One

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Forcing my sore eyes open, I hauled my body up from the hard, cold unforgiving floor. My vertebrae clicked violently yet satisfyingly into place, the wall supporting my leaning body with steadfast loyalty.
My eyelids resisted, the foreign brightness of the room was overpowering and harsh. I scratched at my neck and attempted to lick the dryness of my lips away - my throat was aching and parched, swallowing back was a task too difficult.
A low humming resonance consumed my ears - that and nothing else.
Finally adjusting to the ruthless lights, my vision was met with looming grey panels bordered with a darker grey frame.
Grey? GREY? Where on Earth was I?
This was no where close to the warm comfort of my room where the sun would peep through the curtains playfully to coax me out of my soft and loving bed.
I attempted to scramble upright but my legs buckled underneath me, the numb and weak feeling battling my racing need to get up.
My heart was rapid and relentless, I could feel it beating against the walls of my chest like a gorilla against the glass walls of a zoo. The palms of my hand, clammy with anxiety and stress - I pressed them against my chest to compress and calm my relentless heart.
   Kidnapped? Was I kidnapped? No way, I'd be tethered in ropes and tape and whatnot, wouldn't I? Right?
  Drunken night out? Maybe. Maybe. Just a bad night out... A one night stand maybe...
  But I'm fully clothed.. and it's my work scrubs - the bright surgical scrubs a reminder of what I was doing before this. This incident.
    Crawling on to my hands and knees, I found the strength to heave myself on to my feet- my knees still threatening to collapse but every second they got stronger and more confident.
   To the right a wide and tall entry - no hinges nor handles. I was bewildered, even sliding doors have handles.
   Hesitantly, I edged towards it and when I got within a metre of it, it slid outwards with a small rush of air escaping.
A long winding corridor met me - it was so well lit that it seemed like a movie set.
I felt nervous, I didn't know what lied beyond but I also knew I couldn't remain here.
   I walked through and came towards a larger corridor, this one was inhabited.
Peeping around the corner I could see tall whit armoured figures walked along it. I froze - should I sneak past or should I ask them where I was. If I sneaked past, what if I get more lost but if I asked them for help what if they hurt me. But they could he- 'OI!'
  A figure in the same armoured suit bellowed at me- walking towards me with incredible speed, their gun held tight and towards my general direction.
   Their heads looked like rounded and blown up skulls, staying perfectly still and emotionless as they marched menacingly towards me.
   My legs under me started moving, carrying the rest of me away. I ran so fast - through the corridor randomly turning to any corridor. I didn't know where I was but I didn't know where I was to begin with anyways. I came across the white armoured figures again, then lesuirely walking towards me. Were they the same ones? Or different ones?
   I'm not gonna take that chance - I slid into another hall way. This one leading to a larger more busier one.
   It was nothing like I'd seen before - more looming and well lit grey panels but this time the hallway was so large. Where the fuck was I? Surely this was a lucid dream - I pinched my self in the leg. Nope, all too real.
   "THERE." The voice rang through the air."Get her Alive!"
    Once again I was on the run - I was tired and lagging behind. Definitely slower than before. Hands flying from my sides to the pockets of my waist bag. Scissors - I always kept a pair incase I needed them - not to hurt anyone. It's not like these scissors would do anything for goodness sakes, it had rounded tips.
    My phone- I couldn't use that right now.
  My hand came out of my waist bag - now's not the time.
   I looked up to see a another door exit. I sped and slammed against it - my body slumping down like a sandbag. It didn't open. My head and heart thumped as the white soldiers arrived, their footsteps coming to a halt. Embarresment and fear heating up my body.
    I was grabbed, my hands wound behind my body - their grip solid and firm.
Now I was really kidnapped.
   I couldn't process anything - my mind blank, my feet begrudgingly moving for me.
    We walked for what seemed hours - miles and miles of tiled floors. The floor was shiny and pristine- I could almost see my own eyes tearing up. If this definitely wasn't a dream, what was it?
   With a shove I was on the floor - again. We were like separated lovers - constantly meeting abruptly and unexpectedly.
    "Look what the cat dragged in." A snarky voice projected towards me. "Perhaps the resistances' personal medic."
    I slowly looked up, my eyes climbing up leather boots, a long coat, gloved hands and finally a pale man. His hair was a soft ginger and slicked back. HIs face sharp but soft, he looked worn and tired but it bought character to his face and made him handsome - if I wasn't in this comprising state I could probably even say I'd swipe right.
     "What?" I panicked. Resistance? Resistance against what? I definitely did not want to fight this man and what seemed like an army of armed men. That would be inside. "Resistance? I don't even know where I am, please."
    "Don't act dumb - it'll get you nowhere." He leaned in closer sneering, his hand gripped my lower jaw carefully. "Why are you here?"
    "I don't even know where I am.." I whispered, glancing into his muted green eyes - searching for some sympathy. Anything to keep me on his good side.
   "I'll entertain you and remind you." The man let go of me and stepped back. "Starkiller. Does that sound familiar?"
    "No... Sir." I looked down again. What the fuck? Starkiller? This made absolutely no sense. Of course.
   "This is a prank right?" I giggled. "Starkiller? This army? You guys got me, okay. Can we stop now?"
    "You think this is a joke?" The tall man stepped towards me with such voialition that I instinctively braced myself. "The first order is no joke- you know what is a joke? Your pile of shit resistance. Why would they send a stupid medic on? Maybe it's your disguise."
   Definitely not a prank then.  
"I'm not a medic. Not ones for people anyways." I revealed.
   "Then what?" He bent down. "What else could you possibly be a medic for?"
   "I'm a vet." I looked up.
   "So you are a soldier then. Are you stupid?" His eyes in disbelief at the presumed stupidity I was displaying.
   "No. No. I'm a vet - a Veterinarian. I work.. with animals. Mainly small animals but also horses." I stuttered. Surely I was neutral enough to not pose any harm. Whatever resistance he was talking about probably didn't have a need for someone like me -right?
   He sighed and took a step back.
   "They've sent a crazy. They've sent a crazy this time. Is this some sort of new training?" He looked down at me. "Whatever their doing, it's not gonna work. I'm sending Commander Ren for you."
    This wasn't looking up for me.

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