How I give my tulpas the attention they need

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The first method I do is by talking to them, asking their opinions on certain things and stuff like that.

Another thing I do is I sing to them and do their requests.

I let them help me with my writing sometimes, and sometimes I read aloud to them. We're in the middle of "One + One= Blue" right now.

Here's something interesting. The book is about synesthesia, which I have, and at one point the main character says that 10 is white, which is correct, so I said to my tulpas, "Hey, that's actually correct!" Then Fracture said, "No, 10 is yellow" and so we went through our colors from 0-10 and not a single one of my colors was the same as hers. I thought it was pretty cool.

Again, if anyone wants to ask me or one of my tulpas a question, feel free to ask in the comments and I'll answer it next entry!

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