Chapter 4

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Derek's POV

I pick up the frail boy and am taken aback by how light he is. He feels like he's a middle school girl. I assume it's because of the Nogistune but make a mental note to feed him later.

I walk back to my car and place the still-sleeping boy in the back seat. I go around to the driver's seat and get in the car. Before starting to drive, I look back at Stiles's small figure and sigh, feeling bad for him and the amount he's had to go through being only a human.

I drive back to the loft, which isn't too long of a drive, and get Stiles from the back seat, bringing him inside. I place him on my bed, knowing he hates my couch, even though no one else knows that.

As I place him down, his sleeve rides up a little and I notice a bandage wrapped around his wrist. I pull his sleeves up and my heart breaks at what I see. His wrist is littered with scars, some seemingly very old and others from days ago. I pull his sleeve back down and exit the room, not knowing what to do .

I walk into the kitchen and start cooking. I rarely ever do it anymore but it helps to calm me down. I ponder whether or not to call Scott, but in the end decide against it as there is probably a reason Stiles was out in the woods by himself instead of attached to Scott's hip like normal. Although, the more I think about it, Stiles has made himself pretty scarce lately. He only ever comes to pack meetings when it's really important and even started handing his research off to Lydia or Liam or someone. It makes me wonder what is really going on with him.

Sure, since the whole Nogistune, I haven't really been there for him or to see what was going on, but before I didn't have too. Stiles was always coming to me, asking me for help. I didn't have to see if he needed any.

When he was possessed, well I guess I just got used to the lack of that constant presence, and honestly felt a bit of a relief, even if I did feel bad about it. When Argent said that he was willing to kill Stiles and feel no remorse, I hated myself for thinking the same thing.

Sure, Stiles is great and I respect the hell out of him for managing to stay alive as a human in a world of the supernatural, but Stiles did way more for Scott than he did for me.

But even after the Nogistune, Stiles still never came to me. I assumed it was because of the whole ordeal and didn't notice that even months later that old presence wasn't around. I wondered if Scott ever noticed anything. I know Stiles blamed himself for the death of Allison but always thought Scott didn't. If that's true, then why wasn't Scott with Stiles today? He was left alone to suffer in silence.

I also what would have happened if I had been there. If I had chickened out and decided not to go to the house today. Well, whatever would have happened it didn't. So just focus on trying to deal with the situation at hand.

Stiles's POV

I woke up, or at least think I did. I was still in the woods, but hours must have passed as the sun in the sky makes it look like it's at least 4 or 5. I stand up and am hit by an immediate wave of dizziness, probably from the lack of food I've been consuming. My vision goes blurry and suddenly I'm on the floor again, only this time in the hospital.

I stand back up, slower this time, and look around. My heart stops as I see people all over the floor clutching various parts of their body, covered in blood. My breathing quickens and I turn around to see the / and, me, stabbing and cutting people, innocent people, everywhere. I run towards the double doors then push them open.

And then I'm at Deaton's and I realize I'm dreaming. Still dreaming. I stare up at the light and just start trying to scream myself awake, like I always have to do. Eventually, all I see is black, and I feel myself falling into an empty abyss.

Sorry for the slighter shorter chapter :/

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