I think Im Feeling Feelings (1256)

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Hehehe. Something tells me this chapter will be verryyyy satisfying ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Todoroki's POV

"Todoroki..." Midoriya breathed, leaning closer. The feeling in my chest spread throughout my whole body, as if nitro fuel were racing through my veins. I started to lean in closer too. What was I doing?! Midoriya, I-

Knock knock.

He quickly jumped back as my head swiveled to the locked door. I practically vaulted towards it, unlocking it and poking my head out.

"Y-yes?" I stammered, the weird feeling starting to dissipate within my body. "Oh my gosh Todoroki, youre on fire!" Asui yelled, splashing me with a cup of water. The sudden sensation shocked me, causing me to fall backwards. Uraraka dropped the tray of pastries she had been carrying and swung the door open, rushing towards me. "Are you feeling alright?" Uraraka asked with worry, Asui apologizing and following behind her.

"I-Im fine." I choked out, turning away as I was still heavily blushing. I got up and turned to Midoriya, who looked like he was about to faint.

"Are you alright?" I asked, looking towards Midoriya and ignoring everything that had happened a moment ago. "FIT AS A FIDDLE!" He accidentally yelled, immediately covering his mouth in regret.

"You both are so red," Asui pointed out, "probably because its so warm in here!" Uraraka started fanning her face. "Now that you mention it Tsu," she started, "it is pretty hot in here."

"AC MALFUNCTION." I blurted, which I never did. What was wrong with me?! "The temperature is set for 65, but its 77 in here." Asui said, pointing towards the thermostat. "Ill tell Momo." Uraraka added.

The two girls started cleaning up the pastries and water on the floor as me and Midoriya helped. Every so often I'd look up too catch him staring, but he would always immediately look away. The chesty feeling was creeping back.

"Alright, now that thats done," Uraraka started, clapping her hands together in approval, "lets regroup with the others." We all agreed and exited the room, heading downstairs, only to find nobody there.

"Where is everyone?" Midoriya questioned, stroking what I assume to be a non-existent beard. "I dont know. We heard the doors slam so if theyre not inside then maybe theyre outside?" Asui surmised. "But the weather is terrible! They wouldnt be crazy enough to go out there." Uraraka skepticized.

We didnt realize at first, but the weather was getting worse. The thunder was becoming more frequent and the hail was audible no matter what room you were in. Lighting occasionally lit up the windows.

I checked my phone but been paying attention, just now noticing that I had two missed calls from Yoayorozu, and one missed call from Jiro.

The girls went to the kitchen to rebake more snacks, leaving me and Midoriya to awkwardly sit in the dining room. "Judging by the quietness of the house, everyone has to be outside." Midoriya said. "But then why go out without announcing. Or why even go out into the storm?" I countered.

"Maybe to check for the villains? Its a strecth but I know Kacchan's competitiveness coupled with Kirishima's sense of justice and manliness would only lead to a plan like that." He deduced. "Alright then we should go out and check if they're okay." I stated, getting up and heading towards the front door, Midoriya following behind.

"Locked?!" He exclaimed, baffled. That doesnt make sense. "They wouldnt lock the door if they wanted to get back inside unless they wanted to protect the people inside," Midoriya started, "but with a person like Kacchan, he wouldnt priortize protecting. But then again, someone like Yaoyoruzo would be a voice of reason and suggest that."

"But thats not possible," I challenged, "if the doors slammed and then we heard foot steps running outside the guest room, then it mustve been just Bakugo, Kirishima, and Hagakure still in the house. Since Yaoyorozu and Jiro both called me, then that means they were somewhere where they couldnt immediately access me, which could only be outside." I explained.

"So then Jirou and Yoayorozu were locked out of the house. They were calling so you could let them in." Midoriya added. "But then who locked them out if everyone else was preoccupied?" I asked.

Just then the lights went out. A satisfying tzzzz echoed off the walls as everything became hardly visible. I instinctively lit my left side up to give us light, which only made things all the more eerier. Midoriya was a little shaken from the abrupt outage and grabbed onto the top of my shoulder, a look of forced determination on his face.

"We'll be fine." He reassured, feingning a sense of safety. Respectable. "Definitely." I concised, patting his hand on my shoulder. Should I rest mine on his? Would it make him feel safer?


Someone was screaming from the kitchen. "Uraraka!" Midoriya yelled, running towards the sound and nearly dissapearing into the black abyss. "Wait up! We cant get seperated!" I chided, finally reaching the kitchen. I bumped into the smaller male as he stood, frozen. "Midoriya, whats wr..." I trailed off, taking in the scene before us.

Lightning struck, lighting up the room for a brief period. Glass was scattered everywhere. The kitchen windows were shattered, the sudden breach allowing hailstones the size of altoids to funnel in. "Uraraka... Asui..." I muttered, just as shocked as Midoriya.

Tap tap tap.

We both jolted around at the sound of wet foot steps.

Tap tap tap.

Midoriya clutched my hand as we started to back up furthur into the kitchen, keeping our gaze everfixed on the doorway.

Tap tap tap.

I yanked Midoriyas hand sharply to the left, causing him to stumble in front of me as I wrapped my arms around his chest, locking him there. I was scared half to death for both of us. "We'll be fine." I lied, not even believing myself.


The loudest thunderclap shook the entire house as a warm, wet, and stretchy rope wrapped around us, yanking us out the windows. "Todoroki!" Midoriya yelled, shifting in my arms and causing us to be chest to chest. "IVE GOT YOU!" I yelled back, lightning illuminating the dreary night.

Everything moved in slow motion. I covered Midoriya's eyes by forcing his face to be even more burried into my chest as we flew out the window, glass glistening as fragments flew like a flurry through the air. The onslaught of hail brought feeling to every fiber of my being as we crash landed into a large bush, the strange rope uncoiling and retracting from around us. What was that? And were we in the topiary?

I landed back facing down as Midoriya's head lay flat on my chest. He clung onto me with all his might, his nails digging into my sides which had already been bruised. Although it hurt, I ignored the pain and focused on him. He was trembling.

"Told you I wouldnt let go." I whispered, my arms still wrapped around him as he burrowed his head even deeper into my chest. No way was I letting go. I wasnt letting go because the feeling in my chest that had been festering all night had finally erupted. Adrenaline coarsed throughout my body as I finally realized what I wanted. I wanted to protect this boy with all my strength, with all my heart. I wanted to protect him because...because...

Because I liked him.

My first crush was on Izuku Midoriya.

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