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Kageyama POV

After trying to come up with things to tell Hinata about me he decides to just ask me questions that I answer.

"Eh! You can't just ask that! Well I'm gay if that makes a difference."
"No difference! I'm gay too so it doesn't matter! Weirdest experience at the bar you work at?"
"Probably when some girl was hitting on me and then fell face first in her drink."
"You don't have to answer this next one but why did you go to the bridge to-" Hinata fades out as he plays with a string on my hoodie. I wasn't expecting that question but what am I supposed to say. I had no one so I decided to jump off.

"Sorry, I should probably leave now. That was out of line. Sorry. Thanks for the food and giving me a safe place to rest for the night." Hinata quickly gets up and goes to my room. I hear him gathering his stuff and before I know it, I'm at the door holding it open for him.

"Sorry to intrude on your life." Hinata is looking at the ground with his back turned to me. "It's fine. Take care of my hoodie and thanks for saving me." I sighed and he took off. No other words. Just like that.

I went back inside and just sat down. All I could do was just sit as I wished he hadn't said anything. I trudge to my room and make the bed. That dumbass drooled on my pillow. I take my pillow cover and put it in the washing machine.

Why'd he leave so quick. I didn't even get his number. Shit! I won't be able to talk to him ever again. It's fine he probably left because he hated me. I was probably too weird.

And just like that I heard thundering and the pattern of rain. He didn't have an umbrella.

I need to stop thinking of him. He hates me. He doesn't even remember. He's probably going to hang out with his friends. Which I don't have.

Hinata POV

Why would I leave like that! He was so nice! He was obviously struggling I shouldn't have bring it up. I feel rain drops hit me on the head. My jacket was dirty and I took off his hoodie so I wouldn't dirty it.

I sat in a nearby park on the swings. The rain got worse and worse. It was thundering now and I was soaked. I didn't want to move. I always ruin things. I need to call someone.

Me: Um I'm kinda stranded in this park. Can you come pick me up? I need a motherly shoulder to cry on.
Sugamom: Of course just drop your location! Can Daichi come or is this for me?
Me: Only you! Daichi would get worried.
Sugamom: Ok I'll be there in 15 minutes! Get out of the rain.

I shut off my phone and walk to the store across the street. I go in and it's silent. An old lady works the register and she smiles at me. I don't know why I came here. I don't think I have money to get anything. I smile at the old lady reading a book and walk to the freezers.

Maybe I should just get chips or something.

Maybe I should go back to him. No! He doesn't even remember me by now! He probably just went back to sleep. Or maybe got mad because I didn't clean up.

I ended up buying a pack of gum and rushing out the store to Suga who got here way faster than I thought he would.

"Are you ok? Did you get hurt? Where did you sleep? You're soaking! You know, you are gonna give me a heart attack one day from being so reckless! Ok rant over." Suga was touching my face looking at me. He put his hands on the steering wheel and started driving the opposite way. "Ok are you ready for a long story? Try not to interrupt!"


"-And that is what happened." I finish looking up at Suga. We got to his and Daichi's house a little while back but I was too caught up in the story to realize or do anything. I was just sipping on the hot chocolate he made.

"So you met a stranger and then immediately fell in love and trusted him?" Suga and Daichi ask. Daichi joined in after he promised not to get worried. "THERE IS MORE TO THE STORY THEN JUST THAT! But in basics yeah." I mumble the last part not wanting to admit it. "Wow. Remind me to never let you speak to any stranger ever again." Daichi whispers covering me with a blanket. These two acted like my parents ever since they kicked me out. It was sad at the time because they had just graduated and I was a second year but they let me stay with them. They started living in an apartment together and the team would usually go there anyways.

"I want to see him again. What do I do?" I blurt out looking at them. They turn to me and look bewildered.
"Well, contact him."
"Did you miss the part where I forgot to give him my number!"
"Oh then meet him at the bridge again."

I think about that choice for a bit and decide I'll check tomorrow night! For now I think I'll crash here.

"Here. There are still clothes here from when you came a little while ago. It's those 'edgy' clothes you were fond of. You know where everything else is." Daichi opens the guest room for me and gestures around. I go to settle my stuff down and take out the hoodie I got from Kageyama. I hope I can see him again. I hope he doesn't try to do anything bad while I'm gone.

I hope I can be fast enough.


*Daichi and Suga are just so cute together! Will Hinata see Kageyama again? Or will there be trial and error to find each other? Also 1000 words? YESSIR!

~Author who is an absolute sucker for long chapters

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