The Muggle London Adventures

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"Oh no, we ran out of eggs!"

Draco peeked at the kitchens and lifted an eyebrow. "Perhaps it's not a good time for me to join you and Rose for dinner today," he pointed out with an amused smile. He then proceeded to tuck his wand inside his pocket and gathered his coat, but Rose had already barrelled herself towards him.

"You can't go!" Rose cried indignantly. "You just got here, Draco." Her blue, wide eyes landed on her mother and she pouted. "Tell Draco he can't leave yet, Mama."

The blond expectantly looked at the older witch, but Hermione merely sighed. "Without the eggs, I can't really finish preparing for dinner today." Hermione grimaced at the small mess in her kitchens. "We can get some take-away but I've already prepared enough. It'll be a terrible waste."

"We can buy groceries!"

Hermione's eyes lit up and smiled. "That is actually a great idea, Rosie," she replied. "Go get your coat so we can leave already."

"Can Draco come too? Please please please?"

"Only if he wants to," Hermione said, directing her questioning gaze on him.

Draco frowned. "We're going in a Muggle one, aren't we?" he asked, his frown deepening.

"Well," Hermione started, "we are in a Muggle neighborhood and the closest thing is a Muggle one." She glanced at Rose and smiled. "I think Rosie meant a Muggle grocery too, and we don't want to disappoint her now, do we?"

The blond wizard sighed. "Whatever," he said. "Not like I have any choice."

After Rose got her coat and Hermione grabbed her trusted beaded bag from her room, Draco watched as the brunette snatched a set of keys he had never seen before. Upon noticing his questioning look, Hermione threw a conspiratorial grin. "We're going to travel in our car," she explained. "It is in Muggle London, after all. Besides, it's been a while since I've used our car."

Draco's eyes bulged out as he trailed behind the mother and daughter. "You have a car?" he blurted out. "How come I didn't know this?"

"You never ask."

Hermione looked over her shoulder to give him an amused smile. They finally arrived in her garage and there was a small silver sedan parked neatly inside. Draco was not exactly knowledgeable with cars; the closest thing he knew was that they'd cost a fortune since the Muggle car company he was affiliated to filled the Malfoy Gringotts account with unimaginable wealth.

"Do you know how to drive?" Draco asked, paling.

Rose already climbed at the back and pressed a button to bring down the window. "Come sit beside me, Draco," she pleaded.

"I know how to drive," Hermione said, shooting him another amused look. "Don't worry. I won't crash this car and kill you."

If it were more possible, her words made him paler. Draco scowled at Hermione, who merely giggled under her breath. She already climbed into the front seat and Draco had no choice but to follow suit. Rose scooted to the far left to give him some room.

Blinking, he looked all over the weird interior of the Muggle contraption. He half-expected Lucius to suddenly appear and drag him away from the car, memories of his Muggle car obsession during his toddler years resurfacing in his mind.

"Draco," Hermione called, "can you please help Rose with her seatbelt?"

He wordlessly nodded her head and fumbled with the seatbelt. He bungled the first try, earning him some giggles from Rose. Upon the second try, the child already helped him direct where to put it correctly.

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