Chapter 9, Branch's Birthday!

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(Yeah, I know, it isn't necessarily Branch's birthday, but I just wanted to make this a chapter! I hope you enjoy!)


It was Branch's birthday! He was going to turn 25. He was excited, but he didn't want any presents, since literally he receives one a lot of times by you know who.

Then, someone was at the door. They did a very loud knock.

"Oh no.." He hid underneath his covers.

Suddenly, the person who was at the door was, of course, Poppy.

"Happy birthday!" She yelled.

"Thanks, Poppy." He smiled.

"Sorry- I didn't have the time to get you a present, since you know, Queen duties. But we can go shopping and I'll pay for what you get!" Poppy explained.

"Oh it's alright, Poppy, I don't really want anything for my birthday." He told her.

"W-Wait WHAAA?!" She was in shock. No troll would say they didn't want presents on their birthday, but it is Branch, sooo?

"B-But why??" She asked.

"Eh, I dunno. I just don't, since I don't want anything this year."

"Braaaanch! You have to get something! How about chocolate at least?!" Poppy asked.

"Uh, Sure!" He said.

"Anything else??" She asked.

"Nope. I'll see you later, I'm gonna stay in bed and watch Trollflix."

"Branch, come onnn! It's your birthday!" Poppy said. "Fine, but at least come out once I get you a gift."

"Okay, Bye!" He said.

"Byeee!" Poppy left his pod, and ran to her friends. She could not just get chocolate for her best friend/boyfriend. She needed help.

She ran to where the SnackPack was, and they were in Biggie's pod.

"Guys! I need ideas on what to give Branch for his birthday!!" Poppy said to the SnackPack and Hickory, who was also with them.

"We're about to make cupcakes for him right now, and one big cake! Wanna help?" Smidge asked.

"Uh, Okay! I just need to find a gift for Branch later! Also, we should throw a birthday party for him!" She said.

"Okay, sure!" DJ Suki said.

"I'm gonna go give him mine before I help out, I'll catch you folks in a bit." Hickory said.

"Aww! You got him a gift??" Poppy asked.

"Well, who wouldn't want a present?" He told her.

"Ah, true. Can you maybe distract him and stuff? Maybe also try not to get him into his pod too please."

"Sure, I can do that. See ya folks."



The SnackPack got to baking, as they tried their best.

Meanwhile, someone knocked onto Biggie's door, causing everyone to freak out.

"Hide the cake and stuff!" Poppy whispered. They put the cupcakes and cake in a cabinet, as they open the pod door to see..

Branch in a cowboy outfit?

He had a brown hat on, a red bandana tied around his neck, a brown leather vest with white long sleeves, with blue normal jeans and boots.

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