Chapter 13, Creek in the Woods!

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(just so you know, if you heard, I'm prolly writing this in my little break, and it'll probably get released a little later after I'm back, due to me not spending much time on social media!)

1:12 PM.
It was Picnic Hour, and everyone can join anytime they like! The trolls located the area around a field like park, in the centre of TrollsVille.

Poppy and Branch were already sitting down in the field, as they waited for the SnackPack and the other leaders.

Branch yawned. He looked as if he didn't get any sleep.

"Branch, did you get enough sleep last night? You look a little tired." Poppy pointed out.

"Yeah.. yeah. I just woke up in the middle of no where in the night, and I heard some type of muffled siren. Did you not hear it?" He asked.

"Oh, so you heard that! Yeah, it might've been a critter or something. It came from the woods. That's what kept you up? It sounded really low."

"Well, it wasn't just that. I just couldn't go back to sleep." He shrugged.

"Oh, well you can sleep now if you want!" She told him.

"I think I have no choice."

Poppy saw her friends walking towards them, with their own towel to sit on. They all greeted Poppy, as Branch already went to sleep, five minutes later.

"Hi Poppy!" The leaders and SnackPack waved, as they put down and aligned their towels next to Poppy's.

"Hey guys!" She smiled.

"Did you guys hear the sound yesterday? Everyone's talking about it." Trollex said.

"No, I don't think I have." Hickory told them. (he's in the snackpack now 😎)

"Really? I did. That was pretty annoying." Prince D. stated.

"Didn't it come from that forest?" Delta asked.

"I'm guessing. It might make sense because Techno and Country are a lot farther than the forest, and Funk and Pop is straight towards it." Poppy explained.

"I couldn't sleep all night, yo!" Tiny said.

"Yeah. Maybe we should investigate the forest." DJ Suki suggested.

"Hm. If it plays again later then we'll see." Barb said.

"Okay. Let's get eating, now?" Trollex asked.

"Heck yeah, I've been waiting for this!" Tiny said. (I literally forgot all about him..)




It was then 1:46 and they were just about ready to leave. The SnackPack left, then the leaders did. Poppy was fixing up their mess still and once she was done, she woke up Branch.

"Branch, psst!" She poked him.

"H-Hm? Yeah, I'm up. Are we done?" Branch asked.

"Yeah. You slept through it." She told him.

"Aw. It's okay."

"Anyways, do you think the siren or whatever was a bad thing?" Poppy asked.

"Well... hm. It might not be a big problem, but it went on for only about 5 minutes every ten minutes, so maybe it could be a troll?" He thought.

"Makes sense. Maybe someone's trying to lead villains towards us! Maybe a traitor!" Poppy exclaimed.

"You're thinking too much of it. It could just be a troll who awoken a critter. We don't need to look into the forest, trust me."

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