We texted,
We talked,
We laughed,
And we smiled.
Together we made memories,
That no one could take away,
Until now that is,
Where are you friend?
I've searched mountains and treetops,
I've texted and called,
I found a note you wrote,
It said your happy now,
And in a better place.
I should have seen it coming,
All those smiles,
All those 'i'm okays',
I should have never believed them,
They were all just a lie.
You planned this from the start,
Now I realise,
The mistake I made.
I made you promise,
But you broke it.
I'm crying on my bed,
Wishing it wasn't true,
That it's just a bad dream,
That when I woke,
You'd be holding me,
"It was only a dream,
I would never leave you,
Go back to sleep."
But I know,
That it's not just a dream,
It's reality,
But my emotions have taken over,
I can't face the world,
Without you by my side.
I cry every night,
Mourning for your loss,
Thinking it's my fault,
That you're not with me now.
I blame myself,
For the smiles that told lies,
And the words that spoke secrets,
That were better left untold.
I could take no more,
Where are you, I whisper,
I look to the sky,
And take a deep breath,
I swallow those pills,
Take one last step,
And think,
'I'm joining you friend,
Wherever you are.'