I just vanted to suck yer blood (🔞)

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This one shot was requested by DustbinTales. I hope you enjoy!

Because it'll get k- Anyway, Hoseok has raven hair and Taehyung's permed hair is light brown

There have been many times that Hoseok had tried to assert his dominance and tried to be a big, bad little vampire. One who thought he could bring humans crumbling to their feet and obeying him just like they did to the guy who bit him last night who attacked him and died after he bit Hoseok.

But unfortunately, he wasn't exactly fear-inducing or a big excluder of a 'dominant' aura. Heaven, he wasn't even like any of his fellow vampires who lived in Korea, hiding coolly in the shadows at day and biting unsuspecting and extremely horny humans during one night stands at night.

Even though he had the fangs that tend to scare the hell out of people when they see it like all vampires do, he was a puny little thing - a small male with a height of 5'2", the other vampires made fun of him since he was such a small, petite entity. His hands were around 18 inches and looked smaller and more delicate than even a girl's hand. He was rather slim and feminine with his big smokey eyes and round chubby face.

He screamed nothing dominating or fright-inducing. Much to his disdain, he screamed something else... submissive.

Which led the poor thing to have to put in much effort into what he did as a vampire. One being that he was to attempt and grab to the first person he sees and either turns them into a vampire as well or just suck up all their blood until they die. But every time he tries that, he ends up running away and killing a bird or a runaway pet. He was still a vampire baby, yet to prey on a human.

His best friend Jimin (who's only turned into a vampire last year like him and already slept with over 9000 humans because he has a special charm and those humans either became new vampires or died a horrible death) told him that by any means necessary, he was to turn at least one human so that Hoseok could become full-fledged.

"Don't worry Hobi," Jimin had said to him. "Whether that human either dies or becomes one of us, it'll prove to those jackasses who make fun of you that you're much stronger than you look."


Hoseok is out tonight, wearing a mask to prevent anyone from seeing his fangs, and a scarf to hide the bite marks that was permanently there.

(Hoseok's outfit)

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(Hoseok's outfit)

He was supposed to go to a bar tonight with Jimin and some other vampires friends, but he declined last minute. "I'm not in the mood for drinking tonight, and besides you know that I have a really terrible alcohol tolerance Jiminnie," was his excuse.

Really, it's because he's still traumatized from the time where a guard once mistook him for a middle schooler because of his small height. And he needed to find blood right away, because right now, he was fucking starving. It was too late for birds and runaway pets. It was time to suck blood from a human.

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