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sorry if i have wrong grammars and mispelled words :D

Hours passed by and I realized that me and Ben were supposed so hangout tonight. So I immediately get my bag, head out the room, and try to find Ben, i asked few people if they have seen Ben, but none of them saw him. While looking for Ben, i heard a deep voice calling my name and I turned around to see who that is, "Y/N!!" Ben called me out, " Ben! I've been looking everywhere for you!" "Oh, I'm sorry. Were supposed to hangout, right?" "Yes, that's why I've been looking for you." "Well, what are we waiting for?" Ben said and let out a small chuckle that made blush, "Nothing." and we laughed, and so we head out the building.

*time skip*


"So, where do you wanna go?" I asked, "uhm, can we go grab a Baskin-Robbins first?" She was so shy to ask me which is cute and made me blush, "Oh,sure!" We headed to Baskin-Robbins for some icecream. "I'll have Chocolate Chip, and how about you, Ben?" "oh, i'll have the same." i ordered, "Okay will that be all?" "Yes." "oh, can i also get your names?" "Ben and Y/N." i said, "I'll pay alright?"
handed out her wallet, but i quickly stopped, "No, it's alright. I'll pay." i said and handed out my wallet, "If you say so, mate." Y/N said and raised a brow.

We waited for our orders, we look for a seat for the both of us, and found the perfect spot. "So tell me about yourself, Y/N." I said as if I was interviewing her, "Okay, so my full name is Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, I was born on (your birth date)which makes me (your age) and I live here in L.A, I have a very unhealthy addiction in Queen, The Beatles, and ABBA, my hobbies are (your hobbies)" "Wow, i think we have a lot in common tho." I said, and it made her smile, "Tell me about yourself too!" "Okay,  my full name is Benjamin Jones, but you can just call me Ben which you already know, i was born on January 2, 1991 which makes me 29 today, and I live in Bournemouth, United Kingdom, but obviously I moved here in L.A. with my ex.." I suddenly stopped and just stared at the floor, "Ben? are you alright, mate?" She waved her hand infront of my face, and i suddenly shaked my head and looked at her, "oh-uhm yes, i'm alright, just remembered something. Anyways, should i continue?" "Sure!" "As i said, i moved here in L.A. and i actually live in an apartment with my closest friends. I also love Queen,and Led Zeppelin,and my hobbies are so many, but my favorite hobby to do is playing football, thats pretty much it." I said, before i could talk again, we heard our names being called, "Ben and Y/N!" the lady said, and Y/N stood up get our orders.


"Gosh! This one is so freakin delicious!"
I said while taking a scoop from my ice cream, "It sure is!" Me and Ben continued walking until we saw a beautiful park, it was filled with lights hanging around, it also has a hanging bridge which is actually cool, "Mind if you take a picture of me?" I said as I handed out my phone to Ben, "Sure.", Ben starts to take several pictures of me in different poses. "Would you mind also shot me one?" "Of course!" he also handed out his phone to me, i took pictures of him with also different poses, he looked very cute and hot at the same time, it made me blush so hard,  "Thanks." "No problem".

Hours passed by, we talked and had a little conversation while walking, i suddenly checked the time, 10PM, "oh my god, its late, and the mall will close soon." "we should probably head home."
"we should." i said and suddenly i feel my eyes getting heavy, i was probably tired with all the walking, and i was very sleepy at the moment. "Need a ride home, Mr?" I insisted, "If it's ok with you, Ms." "Well, hop in then." I immediately started the car and i put on my seatbelt, which Ben did the same, and i started drive back home.

"So, where do you exactly live, Mr Jones?" i asked, "Hardy, please. I just felt like Hardy for a stage name." "Well then, Mr Hardy?" "just in Sunset Boulevard, Ms Y/L/N." "Okay." I drove to Sunset Boulevard where Ben lives.

*time skip*

It took 20min to get wher Ben lives, but we reached his house, and stopped by a big mansion,"Holy Smokes, you didn't told me that you live in a mansion! and how come you didn't use your own car anyways?" i stared at the house, and admiring the beautiful decoartions, "well uhm- you see, my dad didn't let me drive the car this time, i don't know why."he startled in his words and i just sat there still in shock to see a big mansion, "Y/N? ya alright mate?" i suddenly shaked my head, "oh yeah mate i'm alright, but i'm still in shock to se a big mansion. But anyways, i hope you enjoyed tonight." "Well i should be the one telling you that!anyways, i enjoyed tonight." "Well, thanm you for tonight and thank you for inviting me to hang out with you, see you tomorrow." "no problem, and see you tomorrow Y/N, have a good night." "You too, Mr Hardy!" I said and raised an eyebrow. We said goodbye, and i head home.

i'll continue this tomorrow y'all, i'm tired and its kinda late sooo yeah :D

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