Chapter Thirty

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He motioned for me to sit on the bed and I followed his command.

"You lied Babygirl. You know that means a punishment. But why did you lie?"

I started to panic. I didn't want to disappoint anyone, especially Jack. Telling my aunt and uncle was one thing, but I would be crushed if I knew Jack was disappointed.

"I-I was scared to tell you. I don't want you to be disappointed in me" I said as I looked at the floor.

"Sweetheart, look at me" he said as he lifted my chin up to look at him, "I'm not going to be disappointed in you. It happens. You're going to struggle sometimes and that's okay. But I need you to talk to me, okay?"

"Okay" I said as a tear escaped my eye and he wiped it with his thumb. He was being very sweet but I knew what was coming.

"No tears baby. It's okay. I'm not mad at you. Are you ready?" He asked. I stood up and went to bend over him but he stopped me. "Woah what are you doing?"

"I-I thought you were gonna spank me" I sniffled.

"No, no. You're still recovering from the other day. Both mentally and physically. I was thinking a time out. That seems to be a better punishment for lying anyway" 

"A time out?" I asked.

"Yes, Babygirl. A time out. Now, go stand in the corner and hand me your phone. You'll be there for fifteen minutes and I'll know if you move. Understood?"

"Y-yes Sir" I said as I handed him my phone and made my way to the corner.

"Good girl. I'll be back to check on you. Stay put" he said as he left the room, leaving the door open.

I should know he isn't going to hurt me more than I can take, and I should know that he cares about me. It's just so difficult to believe he could be as amazing as he is.

I stood in the corner alone with my thoughts for a few minutes before I heard someone pass by the door and stop. I assumed it was Jack until I heard Leo speak. "Punishment for lying, eh?" He asked.

"Yes but I-I'm not supposed to talk" I said quietly.

"That's all right. I won't tell" he smiled and continued walking to the living room.

I finished my time in the corner overthinking my whole relationship with Jack before eventually getting sidetracked into thinking about Tasha and Ashton, and then sidetracked again thinking about school. I heard the timer go off in the living room breaking me from my thoughts, but Jack didn't come in to get me. I stood in the corner for a few more minutes before I got impatient and went to find him.

"What are you doing out of the corner, sweetheart?" He asked as I walked into the living room.

"I-I heard the timer go off," I said as I walked to the chair.

"But I didn't come and get you, did I?" He asked as he leaned forward and interlocked his fingers.

"Ummm well no..."

"So?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow at me.

I groaned and walked into my room to get back in the corner. A few minutes later Jack came back in and told me my time was up.

"Why did you wait until after the timer?" I asked as he took my hand in his and walked with me into the living room.

"To see if you would stay" he said, looking down at me.

I giggled and replied "Oh".

We sat in the living room talking with Leo for a while. I learned Leo had a girlfriend back home that was about my age, and he told me about his career as a paralegal before he became a lawyer. I was so interested I started thinking of doing that myself. Leo went to school for four years and became a paralegal, then used his degree to go to law school and now is a full time attorney in New York. The more I heard him talk, the more interested I became.

We talked about Leo's life and Jack's plans to expand his business before we decided to watch a movie and kill some time before dinner. Leo picked The Great Gatsby, which is not my favorite, so I mostly played games on my phone. After the movie was over, we all began to get ready for dinner.

"Where are we going? I need to know what to wear" I said as I looked through the clothes I kept at Jack's house.

"I figured we could go to the Galaxy Diner since Leo hasn't been there before. Sound good?"

"I love that place! Of course it sounds good" I said excitedly as I grabbed a pair of mom jeans and my floral tennis shoes and threw on a grey T-shirt.

"You finish getting ready. I have to finish something in my office first" Jack said before leaving his room.

I finished throwing my hair in a bun and put on a cardigan since it was a bit chilly outside.

"Well don't you look...adorable" Leo laughed when he saw me.

"I am not adorable" I sarcastically replied.

"I heard attitude. What's going on, Babygirl?" Jack asked as he entered the living room.

"Nothing. Leo is just making fun of me" I said as I crossed my arms.

"Oh come on, I was not. I called her adorable and she took offense"

"You are very adorable. You guys ready?" Jack asked, grabbing his wallet and keys from the entryway table.

"Duh" me and Leo said in unison as we all made our way out of the house.

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