Chapter Thirty Seven

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Jack had been in New York for a few days and was finally returning home today. I had been staying at his house with his mom, who came to take care of me while he was away. I still hadn't spoken a word since the night I heard Tasha was missing, and Jack didn't trust me being home alone with the threat against me even though we had police watching the house 24/7.

I finally managed to eat a handful of blueberries this morning after going four days without eating. My parents called everyday to check up on me, and everyday Mary, Jack's mother, had to lie and tell them I was doing okay. She didn't want them to worry like she was, so she kept the details away from them.

I had never been so empty in my life. I felt hopeless and helpless. My best friend was missing and there was nothing I could do. I felt like I didn't deserve to enjoy the basics of life until I knew she had the same ability. This included showering and eating. I was sick to my stomach everyday to eat anyway. I kept thinking of what was happening to Tasha and Annabelle, wondering if they were even alive. I wanted to believe Tasha was alive and okay and giving the guy what he deserved, but after hearing a phone call Jack made in which he detailed his phone call with the kidnapper, I couldn't help but slowly lose what little bit of hope I had.

Today Mary decided she was going to help me bathe. She drew me a bath and put bubbles in it before basically forcing me into the bathroom. She pulled a dining chair into the hallway outside of the door and told me she was sitting there until I finished and to call out if I needed anything. I decided it would be a good idea to bathe since Jack was coming home today, so I begrudgingly undressed and slipped into the warm, soapy water.

I'm not going to lie, it felt really nice to bathe. The feeling drowned out the guilt of cleaning myself after soaking for a few minutes. Tasha never left my mind, though I decided I would bathe for her because I knew if she was here she would have carried me into the bathroom and threw me into a bathtub fully clothed already for being so disgusting. I grabbed my shaving cream and razor and took both to my legs and armpits before washing myself off. I unplugged the drain and stood up before turning on the shower to wash my hair and rinse the bubbles off of my body.

I tried running my fingers through my hair but it was too knotted. I squeezed a large blob of conditioner onto my hand before massaging it into my hair in an attempt to detangle it, even a little bit. I let it sit in my hair while I rinsed off my body and stood under the water, putting the temperature as hot as it could physically go. After a few minutes of standing in the scalding water I rinsed my hair and got out, wrapping myself in the warm, fluffy towel Mary had put in the dryer while she drew the bath.

I opened the bathroom door to Mary still seated and reading a book. "Oh wonderful! You smell a lot better" she joked. "Would you like me to brush your hair?" I nodded and she gestured for me to follow her.

We got into my room and I noticed she had laid out a fresh set of pajamas for me, along with a pair of pink unicorn panties which made me blush upon noticing them. She told me she would be waiting for me in the living room and shut the door behind her so I could get dressed. Once I was in my pink bunny pajamas I met her in the living room. She pat the floor in front of her and I sat in between her legs as she took a brush to my head. I watched Sofia the First as she meticulously worked through each knot until my head was smooth. After she announced she was finished I got up and hugged her before sitting next to her on the couch. It was nice that Jack explained what was going on with me was a trauma response and she happily obliged with any childish things I wanted. It made me feel more comfortable and honestly, like myself a little.

"Now will you eat something before Jack gets home so I can be honest with him?" She asked as she looked at me sympathetically.

I thought for a moment before I nodded my head. Tasha would be mad as hell if she knew I hadn't been eating so I decided to eat for her.

"Wonderful! Anything in particular you would like for your first meal?"

I shrugged in response.

"Perfect. I'll make homemade spaghetti!" She said excitedly as she hopped up from the couch and began preparing the meal.

I laid curled up on the couch until she called that the food was ready. I walked into the kitchen to find my Frozen plate filled with spaghetti on the island and a cup of apple juice next to it in my Sofia the First cup. I sat and began eating as Mary cleaned up from cooking. She took a seat next to me and began at her own bowl of spaghetti. Not long after we heard the front door open.

"How are my two favorite ladies doing? Something smells good!" Jack said as he walked into the kitchen after setting his bags down in the living room. He walked to me as I held my arms out for him to hug me. He pulled me in and squeezed me tightly.

"We're doing just fine. How was the trip?" Mary asked as she gave her son a hug before getting a plate fixed for him.

"Nothing" Jack said solemnly. "But, let's not talk about that. What have you guys been up to?"

"Well Calysta here took a bath and got her hair brushed before dinner. Other than that just lots and lots of cartoons" Mary smiled at him.

"No words yet, Babygirl?" Jack asked and I shook my head. "That's okay. Not gonna push it" he said as he ate his food without saying anything more about it.

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