Chapter Twenty Two

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We hopped on the elevator and pressed the bottom level and waited for the doors to close. As we stood in the elevator, I began to feel sick.

"Tic-Tac I-I don't feel so good" I said as I leaned against the railing.

"Hold on we're almost outside. Then you can puke okay?" She said as she held my hair behind my head and rubbed my shoulder.

The elevator dinged and we got out, quickly making our way outside. I ran over to a tree in front of the building and let out the sickness. I always cry when I throw up so I knew this wasn't going to end well.

"I got an Uber and it'll be here in two minutes. Are you gonna be okay to ride home?" Tasha asked as she wiped the side of my mouth with a napkin from my crossbody.

"Jack" was all I said before I burst into tears.

"Oh god okay umm hold on let me see" Tasha said as she got out her phone and clicked call on Jacks contact while holding onto me.

"Hey Jack sorry it's so...midnight. Me and Cal went out to Alastra and she got pretty drunk. I think you should meet us at the apartment. Uh huh. Yeah. She is. Yeah she is now. Okay. Okay see you then, bye" she said before hanging up the phone and sliding it back into her clutch. "Okay Cal, Jack is gonna meet us at home okay? I think that's our Uber" she said as she helped me over to a red Nissan Altima.

She confirmed the details and made sure it was the right vehicle before helping me into the back seat. She quickly got in herself and I laid down, placing my head on her lap. "S-sorry Tic-Tac"

"For what?" She said as she brushed the hair from my face and rested her hand on my back.

"You didn't get any boobies tonight"

Tasha laughed, "Oh young padawan. The night is still young and the tinder is still downloaded" she said as she showed me the multitude of tinder matches she was conversing with.

Shortly after, we arrived back at our apartment complex. Tasha thanked the driver before helping me out of the car and into the building. We made our way to the elevator and got to our floor. Tasha pulled out her keys and unlocked the apartment, helping me inside to get ready to sleep.

She helped me into our bedroom and took off my shoes before taking a fresh makeup remover wipe to my face. As she was wiping off my mascara there was a knock at the door. "Don't worry, I'll get it" she said as she jumped up to get Jack.

"Good evening. You look like you had fun. What's wrong with your hand?" Jack teased as he looked at Tasha's disheveled face and hair and noticed the swelling on her knuckles.

"Good evening" she said in a mocking tone. "It's nothing. Just got into a fight at the club. Your girlfriend is a fucking handful and a half sometimes. You can finish getting her undressed, yeah? I'm trying to find a hookup"

"You got into a fight? How's Calysta? Did she get hurt? Did you get hurt?" He said as he walked towards her.

"She's fine, Dad. Some guy was just all over her so I decked him. It was heckin awesome"

"That's not good, Tasha. You can't just go around 'decking' people, as you say. I'm very appreciative of you sticking up for Calysta though. Thank you. How is she now?"

"Well she's not conscious so I guess that means she's better. I took her makeup off buuuuttttt she needs to get into night clothes and I don't really feel like doing that so that's all you big guy" Tasha grinned as she smacked Jacks shoulder and went into the kitchen for a snack.

Jack shook his head and smiled as he walked into the bedroom to asses the situation. "Oh, baby. What have you done" I groaned as he helped me sit up. He slowly eased me out of my dress and took off my bra before getting a T-shirt out of my dresser and helping me put it on.

"I'm gonna throw up" I said before leaning over my bed and vomiting into the trash can.

"Let's get you to bed, sweetheart. We'll talk about this tomorrow" he said as he laid me down and covered me with the blanket. He was already in pajamas from his house so he took off his tshirt and laid next to me, pulling me into him.

"I love you Daddy" I whispered as I fell asleep on his chest.

"I love you too, Babygirl" he said as he kissed my head and squeezed me tighter. As he closed his eyes to go to sleep, his phone dinged signaling he got a text message.

Mom: I hope you're asleep and not working yourself to death. Your father and I are coming into town tomorrow for a few days to visit. I hope you're free to have lunch or dinner at least one day with your poor old parents. Love you Jack 😆

He looked at the time and noticed it was one o'clock in the morning. He decided to text back since he was in fact awake.

Jack: Good evening mother. I'm awake but not because of work. I'll be free for lunch and/or dinner whenever you guys would like. I'm a busy man but never too busy for my "poor old parents". And this is the perfect time for you both to meet Calysta.

Mom: Oh good! I cannot WAIT to meet her! Let's say lunch tomorrow, then? Around 1pm work for you?

Jack: 1pm works for me. Let's go to Manchester's Table, yeah?

Mom: Sure honey. Get some rest. We'll see you tomorrow. Tell Calysta we said hello! I'm sure that's why you're up so late 😉 I love you more

Jack: Ma, stop it haha I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight. Love you most.

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