Gandia X Athens 3️⃣

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12 am

The hostages were all asleep. And it was Monica and Athens night-shift.

Monica sat by the stairs and opened a book to read, smiling at her friend who's approaching the fierce man.

"you can't sleep I see" Athens approached him and sat down.

"you can't really blame me, can you? It's really uncomfortable being handcuffed like this even for a man like me" Gandia smirked mischievously.

"I'm sorry" Athens looked down.

"I was wondering, what are your plans after all of this?" Gandia asked.

"well... I'm not really sure..." she chuckled shyly. Their eyes met.

"think, there must be something you are eager to Achieve" Gandia smiled at her, trying his best to look friendly.

"um.. first I'm going to help my mum with her surgery, that's my end goal... I also want to help a couple of very poor neighbourhoods" Athens blushed as she looked in his blue eyes.

"so you aren't in it for selfish reasons? " Gandia got confused and his eyes widened. He wanted to believe she was a selfish criminal that deserved death, but now he's questioning his own judgement upon this girl.

"I didn't really think about what I want to do yet... Crazy isn't it? but throughout my life, I've always been thinking about helping people before myself" she nodded.

The way they looked at each other was packed with intensity, the air was getting heavier and heavier.

"I see..." Gandia said and looked away, his heart started controlling him for the first time ever. And he hated that so much.

"Everything alright?" Athens got closer to him.

"I was just wondering why a girl like you got caught up in such madness, it's a mistake," he said with a serious face.

She blushed more feeling her heart speeding and her stomach curling, she felt he cared for her even a bit.

"We all got motivations... It is hard to explain" she said, her eyes naturally looking at his lips. Her heart racing inside her chest as she wondered if he even slightly liked her.

She looked back at where Monica should be but didn't find her.

"Where did your friend go?" Gandia chuckled.

"I don't know, probably using the bathroom" she smiled.

"can you get closer?" Gandia said.

"ahhh... What is it?" she blushed.

"get closer" he smiled gently.

She got closer feeling the intensity. He smirked at her.

"can you unzip my suit a little bit? It's getting hot here" he wanted to play with her feelings.

"sure..." with shaken hands, she held the zipper and pulled it down.

"Thanks, sweetie" his voice sent shivers down her spine.

They were close together like never before.

"oh... Your wound is bleeding again" she pulled out a wet cloth.

"may I?" she asked for his permission to touch him

"Please" he smiled

Her soft fingers slowly rubbed against his harsh dirty forehead as she cleaned the blood.

Both of them felt the pleasure of this simple touch, but neither choose to show it yet. their attraction to each other was wrong on many levels and they knew it, but how long could they fight it?

"you didn't tell me your name" he looked up at her as she cleaned his wound.

"Athens..." she finished cleaning it and sat down.

"I meant your real name, or it isn't allowed?"

"I don't think I can tell you, sorry"

"too bad I wanted to get to know you more, you are...interesting so to speak" he chuckled.

She saw a softer side of Gandia today that she never saw before, she slowly reached her hand and felt his knee.

They exchanged looks of comfort with each other.

"come here..." his voice was smooth deep and comforting.

She slowly got close to him, face to face.

"I've loathed all of you the moment you got in, but now. You proved me wrong. I can feel you are special" Gandia told her.

"i... I don't know what to say or what you mean" she chuckled nervously.

"I simply like you... If my hands weren't tied right now I would have kissed you" he smirked.

She stared deep in his eyes, and he bit his lips.

She slowly held his cheeks in her palms as she got closer and closer to his lips.

"you smell so nice," he said with a deep groan.

Her breathing got faster the closer she got to his lips.
She gently placed her soft lips against his.

It was her first kiss, she froze in place not knowing what to do.

"i... I'm so sorry I shouldn't have done that" she stopped the kiss and looked at him, he was amused.

"don't be sorry... I want it" he said.

She got on his lap and kissed him slowly and shyly, he kissed her back hard.

He was a good kisser and it was her first time, her mind was too confused and distracted. Which was what Gandia wanted.

Before Athens got to him he has already freed his hands by breaking one of his thumbs.

A trick he learned a while ago in the army, Gandia was ready to do anything for freedom.

She gently felt his chest as their tongues danced together.

Gandia saw an opportunity and quickly pushed her on the floor.

Her eyes widened with fear and sadness, she froze and he got on top of her.

Managing to cover her mouth with his left arm, he chocked her with the other.

"mhm...!" she kicked and punched, but she was simply too weak for him. She was taken off guard in such a sacred moment.

Her eyes started tearing as the man who gave her her first kiss attacked and used her.

"it has to be done," he said with cold expression, hiding the pain he felt doing that. he had a way bigger responsibility, Bigger than love.

After the struggle Athens went unconscious, Gandia quickly picked her up in his arms and ran upstairs to the secret communications room behind the main bathroom walls.

"Athens, I brought you and your friend some coffee" Monica walked in the hall, only to find Athens and Gandia gone.

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