Chapter 2: The Betrayal

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King Rene POV 

I slowly awoke as a maid open the curtains and the sunlight heats my face slowly. I then got up  and chose a suit and got dressed and brushed my teeth seeing as I have not changed since I was crowned king, I check the mirror and saw this

 I then got up  and chose a suit and got dressed and brushed my teeth seeing as I have not changed since I was crowned king, I check the mirror and saw this

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I thought it was decent and headed off to breakfast. As I came down I saw the children that I had spared, were seated waiting for me. So I had quickly sat at the head of the table and spoke you may eat,  they started eating immediately. After breakfast, I continued writing of the magic, fighting-styles and swordsmanship of the other royal families in their respected tongue every day is a different one from before after that I teach that to the respected royal descendant.

**right while he is writing let's move on to the son's POV**

Prince raymen's POV

I sometimes wonder if my father knew about the secret mother is hiding. I know mother said don't worry he'll know soon enough but I don't know if I should keep it secret.**ooh I wonder what he's talking about**No don't waver now you promised mother you would keep it a secret till she told him but think back he was devastated when he lost her, so devastated that he lost the ability to disclose any emotion and he was scared when I first gained my powers. I could still feel my emotions not only mine but those of the people around me. I also had my father's power. As I grew older my father trained me to use his power safely, before I knew it it was time for all our coronation which is today at twelve.

King Rene POV

oh, it is time to prepare for the coronation of this world's crown prince's and princess' and I have to crown them in the countries respected language as this is the world crowning. After that, my child said be careful. As I walked back I was offered my usual tea at 3pm. I then started to collapse, as I collapse I then see my wife standing above me saying "Now no-one can be a threat to my son as he is now king"what isn't she dead? I saw her dead body! No she can't be serious!! why ....... WHY

**Sorry I didn't make it as long as the first chapter**

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2020 ⏰

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