4. First conquest

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(Y/n) POV

The next day

"Yawn... seriously what's wrong with me?" I yawned. Yesterday I barely slept, I passed all night reading Sebastian's reports about those girls. I wish I hadn't done it. I was walking to school as a lifeless zombie, I didn't want to stand out so I didn't ask Sebastian to give me a lift.
A lot of people forget about my status when I act all easy going and cheerfully, so better to walk.

A very luxurious car stooped in front of the school and five girls came out from it, ah there was also Fuutarou.

"Morning, Fuutarou, " I greeted him.

"Ugh... the other one arrived too, " Nino said annoyed.

"Heya, Bug Eater!" I said referring to Nino with a grin.

"Bug Eater?" Fuutarou asked.

"Well, you see yesterday..." I tried telling him when Nino interrupted me launching me a deadly glare.

"Nothing important, right Bug Eater?" I asked.

"Don't call me with some weird nickname!" She yelled at me, it seemed that all my fatigue disappeared messing with her.

"Mind if I join in your conversation?" I asked.

"You arrived at the right time, I was asking them if they had reviewed their tests, " he told me.

The five sisters all flinched when he mentioned the test, I guess they didn't.

"Question 1: Name the warlord defeated by Mori Motonari at the battle of Itsukushima, " he questioned.

"That should be easy, Sue Harukata, " I thought.

Itsuki turned to us with a confident smile, but the expression she had next left Fuutarou speechless.

I was quite amused and I let out a little giggle, her pout was adorable.

Fuutarou, the girls and I were walking in the hallway towards our classes. The girls were avoiding us walking ahead of us.

"What are you reading?" I asked Fuutarou that was reading something in his notebook. It seemed a grid with the sisters' answers.

"I wrote all their answers in this notebook and I found out..." He tried to explain.

"That Miku answered correctly to the first question?"

He suddenly stopped and lifted his gaze from the notebook.

"How do you know that?" He asked surprised.

"I remembered it from yesterday, " I explained. The truth was I checked last night. Besides, I noticed that she answered correctly to most of Social studies questions.


As I expected Fuutarou approached Miku to ask about the first question, but he was interrupted by a wild Yotsuba that ambushed him from behind.

"Look at my English homework! I got all of the questions wrong." She said laughing cheerfully showing the sheet in front of his face.

"I see, so I'm not the only one that got a perfect zero in our homework!" I said laughing as well.

"Come on, you shouldn't get between them, " Ichika said as she pulled Yotsuba away from  Fuutarou.

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