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Jake walked me to my next class while lila went with Blake her soon to be boyfriend, they've been talking for a month now and I think it's time

I flopped onto the window seat and jake sat next to me

That's jake ( literally Is jake webber, sam and colby fans will know, also pretend his hairs purple and not pink)

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That's jake ( literally Is jake webber, sam and colby fans will know, also pretend his hairs purple and not pink)

We talked for the whole lesson, our maths teacher was old and had hearing issues sometimes I wonder why he hasnt retired

The bell finally dismissed us
( am I the only one hearing "tHe BeLl DoEsNt dIsMIsS yOu I dO" 😂)

Jake kissed me goodbye as he had a different class to me

I sat my ass down at the back of our English classroom near the torn down Shakespeare posters, none of the people I like were in this class and that was ok I could tidy my head and get a break from living organisms

Staring out the window into the ocean blue sky I started to wonder about the dream guy, I had no name for him, he was just the dream guy, I couldn't stop thinking about it, was it considered cheating on jake, I mean I kissed a guy, but it was a dream, ngl the dream guy was rly attractive dark  brown hair and green and blue eyes

"Miss Fisher" I zoned back into reality and looked at mr William


"The lesson is taught by me not the window"

I rolled my eyes and tried to pay attention to what my dumbass english teacher was saying


At last school ended and I was so relieved, I started walking out the front doors when someone started calling my name, I turned it was jake

"Hey babe do you wanna come to mine?" He said with a pleading smile

"Sure bby" I smiled back

We got to his house and I had a disney plus and cuddle idea in mind, but I guess he didnt because 2 minutes into cuddling, he started rubbing against me,and than he started kissing me,I pushed him away

"I'm not in the mood jakey" I pecked his lips and carried on watching the little mermaid

"But babe-"

"Shush and watch the movie"i said putting a finger to his lips

"What is it Paris your never like this"

I couldn't believe him, just because I wasn't in the mood to fuck he thought something was wrong wow

"Jake I'm just not horny, does that mean somethings wrong?"I snapped

"No but-"

" you know what we'll talk in the morning I'm also not in the mood to argue" I picked my stuff up and left

Once I got out the door I noticed it was dark

I pulled out my phone

I must of been at his house for a long time

Ngl I was kinda scared, I never walked alone at night, I either had jake or lila but now i had no one

I started to walk, ok it was kinda peaceful also freezing, I felt really weird so I started to speed walk, I heard footsteps behind me and breathing,it got closer and closer, I sped up my pace
Than I felt a pair of hands on my waist, I turned and pushed the guy away in fear

Oh....jake stumbled back

"Woah,woah chill it's me"

"Well you did just grab my waist in a dark street without me knowing you were coming"

"Fair enough"

He came closer and held my hand

"I'm sorry baby about earlier but I couldnt let you walk alone this late I wouldnt want anything to happen to you" he smiled and put my hair behind my ear

He walked me home and kissed me goodbye

I was so tired, I dragged myself upstairs and slumped on my bed

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