Finn's POV

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I am sitting here thinking about why I'm still with the preppiest cheerleader at my school. Don't get me wrong, Quinn is great and all but she's taking this mean girl thing to a whole nother level.

(At BreadStix w/ Quinn)

Quinn- Hey babe, I'm so glad we came here for our date. Instead of that lame ass pizza place, you love so much. Why do you love pizza it has so many calories. If I were you, I would keep track of your calorie intake.

Finn- Are you calling me fat?

Quinn- No, I just want to make you a better person

Finn- What am I not good enough for you

Quinn- I'm saying when people workout and eat healthily they tend to be happier in life.

Finn- Oh, ok(sarcastic).I wanted to ask, why are you so mean to Rachel. I mean she is so innocent and nice.

Quinn- She's a freak, she is at the bottom of the high school totem pole

Finn- That's all you care about. Popularity. You know nobody cares how popular you were in high school in reality

Quinn- Are you breaking up with me

Finn- If you change, your attitude towards others at our school then no. But if you don't change that attitude in one week I'm calling us done for.

Quinn- Ugh I'm leaving

Finn- Bye (whispers bitch)

Quinn- what did you say? You know what I don't care (storms out of the room)

(A few moments later after Quinn has left Finn sees Rachel all alone standing by the door)

Finn- Hey, Rachel why don't you come sit with me

Rachel- (points to herself in question)

Finn- Yes, you get over here

Rachel- (comes and sits down with Finn) Hi why did you invite me to sit with you?

Finn- Well you looked very lonely standing over there by yourself

Rachel- My date was supposed to be here, by the way where's Quinn.

Finn- She left not that long ago, She called me fat in a way

Rachel- No she didn't (shocked). Is your relationship going well?

Finn- We have a lot of ups and downs, I told her that if she doesn't become nicer I will break up with her

Rachel- I think it would be the best for you, to be around more positive people

I'm starting to really like Rachel. Scratch that I am most certainly positive that I love her. She always has a smile on her face that lights up any room she walks in and she makes the best of everything. She is the complete opposite of Quinn. Although she might not be popular, she is funny and nice. That's all I care about

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