Part Five

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The morning after boxing day found Hermione opening her bedroom's window to allow in a huge owl she recognized as belonging to Madam Malkin; the majestic bird was carrying a packet that looked rather heavy.

"Good morning, Hermes," she greeted with a smile. "You must be exhausted. Here, make yourself at home," she gestured in the direction of the owl perch, treats, and water her parents kept in stock for her use when she was at home. The owl was all too soon snoozing off, it's head under its wing to provide some respite from the blinding brightness coming in through the window. Turning excitedly in the direction of the parcel she had just received, she called on her mother to join her for the big reveal.

"Let's see it," her mother was excited to see the custom-made piece Madam Malkin had created for her daughter. Hermione dug into the packet ferociously, however she stopped abruptly, and her face fell into a confused frown.

"What?" her mother inquired, "is the color wrong? I told you it would be tricky to get that exact shade—" Helen Granger was shocked to see her daughter pulling out what she was fairly certain was the magic equivalent of a suit. "That's... different."

"I think Metis might have gotten her packages mixed up," Hermione said looking for any indication as to who the robes belonged.

"There's a card here," her mother said as she unceremoniously opened the envelope, read its contents, and laughed passing it on to her daughter. "Do you believe in destiny, sweetheart?"

"You have got to be kidding me!" she groaned in an unladylike manner.

Dear Mr. Malfoy,

I hope these robes are to your liking. It is good to have your business back after so many years.


Madam M. Malkin.

"You must admit," her mum chuckled, "it is quite a hilarious situation."

"You are mean one, Dr. Granger," she accused.

"Oh, please; young people, I swear," she said rolling her eyes, "perpetually drowning in puddles. It is not that big a deal, dear. Why don't you just owl the man so that you can exchange packages." As soon as the words left the older woman's mouth, a southern white-faced owl appeared at the window, pecking at it. Hermione had no doubt who the sleek-looking bird belonged to.

"Do you think that's him?" her mother asked.

"Most certainly," she confirmed, "I don't even need to read the missive to know."

"And?" her mum prompted as Hermione reached for the elegant envelope addressed in a flourish to one 'Ms. Granger Cromwell'.

"Arse," she muttered tearing the green seal imprinted with the Malfoy crest.

Good morning,

I can only hope you have not obliterated this letter over my small joke, for I still need my robes. As I am sure you have deduced already, our parcels got mixed up and I am in reception of a dress that, though quite beautiful, is not exactly what I had in mind when I placed my order.

Your grandfather, who happened to be over for breakfast, offered to bring your dress over to you, but I convinced him to let me do it. Ironically, I think this will be more to your pleasing. Fitzwilliam has given me your parents' address, and I will be dropping by at noon unless you instruct otherwise.

Draco L. Malfoy

"And?" her mum asked again, to which Hermione answered by passing over the letter. "See? He is coming over at noon to deliver the dress," she said this as if it was perfectly normal for the bouncing ferret to come hang out with her at her muggle parents' home.

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