chapter four

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Our first rehearsal for the play, was quite an annoying one.
I had waited for not less than an hour for Jason to show up.

But not only was he an arrogant fellow but apparently he is also not time conscious as well.
I waited for so long.

Then just as i was about leaving,
He entered inside,
Grabbed his script and went straight to drop his backpack.
I couldn't say a word to him, cos i was so pissed off.

Just as i was about to leave in anger,
"where are you off too.
Aren't we still going to rehearse?"

He grabbed his script from his bag and dropped his bag on the balcony.
"you know we need to cooperate and have the same mindset to make this work"
I said to him putting on an angry face.

"i understand u've been trying to get an apology from me.
But that's never going to happen
So just grab your script and lets rehearse cos I'm a busy person"

At that moment, a huge part of me that despises him, wanted to give him a dirty slap and walk out.
But i came to realise that, i'll also be the one loosing because the 'play' has a big role on my grades.

We started rehearsing,
"thus from my lips by thine, my sin is purged. Now my sins has been taking from my lips by yours. Then have my lips the sin that they have took"

He said to me, starring into my eyes lost fully, while he reached out for the kiss.
I couldn't bear the thought of kissing the one person i despised the most. So i turned my face away.

"you know this isn't a real kiss right?
Besides a fake kiss can't change the hate i have for you, so no need to be scared"
He said to me smiling in a very awkward way.

Though i wasn't comfortable with the kissing scene. All i wanted was to be done with the whole play stuff and avoid him for good.

So he ran over the paragraph again and we kissed.

The rehearsal finally ended for the day.
He was the first one to leave the room and asked me to lockup when I was leaving.

I couldn't help but think about the kiss,
"i can't believe i just had my first kiss from someone i despise all because of a silly play "
I said to myself , as I placed my right hand on my forehead while lost in thought.

Then just as i was deep in thoughts,
Davis walked up to me.
"Hey ryls, how're you doing "

"ooh hey Davis, i didn't see u walk in.
How're you doing"
I said to him, starring at that innocent and charming eyes of his.
"I'm okay.
Well i actually have a request to ask of you and i would love for you to grant it".

"okay go on"

"there is a pool party coming up tomorrow, of which i and my friends organized.
And i would like you to accompany me to it".

"you mean like a date?"

"yeah yeah, like a date"
He replied, just as he smiled while starring at me and waiting for a reply.
"Uhmm I would love to but I have some other things I have to do and besides I also need to memorize my script for the up coming audition for the play. And I'm guessing Jason would be there also and I really do not want to see his face anytime soon".
I replied,

"Common, it's just a pool party, it's not going to take the whole of your time and besides you would be accompanying me as my date and as your date I would make sure nothing pops up with you and Jason okay. Pleaseeeeeeeeee "
He said to me while giving me the cute sad baby face.
And I couldn't resist that look so I agreed.

"Alright yes i would love to accompany you. But only on one condition. I won't stay too long okay".

"Alright that's not a problem, you let me know whenever you want to leave and we'll both leave together okay"
He said to me just as he kept staring into my eyes.
With a big smile on my face, we hugged each other.
Then we took a walk round the school, gisting, and playing.

"So tell me more about you Davis, coz I'm pretty sure the only thing I know about you is your name"
I said to him while laughing at myself

"We'll I'm actually a twin but I and my twin brother do not really get along so well and we both like different things. It's so weird I guess cos as a twin people would probably assume you and your twin would always be, you know, close! But I guess my case is way different. We aren't even in the same school and we kind of argue a lot most times"

"Well I get you tho cos I had a twin sister who passed away recently. Everything happened so fast and I still can't come to terms with the fact that I wouldn't see her ever again.
She literally was my best friend and although people probably thought we weren't so close but to me we were."

I said to him while trying so hide not to shed tears.

"I'm so sorry for your loss ryls.
I can imagine  just how painful it must have been loosing her "

He muttered to me just as he gave me hug and wiped my tears off.

We decided to grab lunch together and we spoke more about ourselves and got to know ourselves better.
Turns out I and Davis actually had a lot in common and could actually relate to some things.

We ended the day with a tight hug.
And then just as i turned to head back to the hostel,
He grabbed my hands and reached out for a kiss.

It was a long and romantic kiss.
And at that moment, i realised that i kind of felt something real like a deep connection for Davis.
And i was a hundred percent sure, he also felt the same way about me.

I walked into the hostel, went straight to my room. Then i immediately sat on Rachel's bed and we started discussing.

"guess wat"

"Riley, actually am not a good guesser, so please just tell me".
She replied so anxiously.

" k so today turned out to be pretty good, cos Davis asked me on a date to a pool party tomorrow evening.
And not only that, we also kissed".

" woah thats amazing.
So i guess you guys do have feelings for each other ryt?"

" i guess so.
Also, i kinda had my first kiss with Jason today. And it was really awkward cos you know his d last person i would ever dream of having it with".
Though it wasn't bad at all and neither was it real.
It was just because of the school play.

"wow seems like you really had quite a day today.
Well enough of the whole gist.
Aren't we going to sort out what you are going to wear for the pool party tomorrow?".

" sure, we are, but right now i need to sleep cos i had a busy but fun day and am so exhausted okay?".

"alright sweedy.
Well am off to Becky's room to borrow some notes to copy.
See u later".

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