Part 5: The dream and The gift

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My dream felt so real, i could still feel the fear after i awoke.


I woke up feeling the happiest as i have in a long time. I got up and dressed super quick. I ran down the stairs so fast i almost tripped but i caught myself. I quickly kissed my aunt before speeding out the door and to my car. I got to school in record time but when i did i noticed i was a bit too early cause only a handful of students were there. As i got out a silver beamer screached into the parking lot and stopped right next to me almost hitting me. The door opened and out hopped a very pale girl with a pixie haircut. She had bright brown eyes like jasper and that meant she was a vampire also. She stepped up to me and thrust out her hand. i hesitated before i took it and shook it before she spoke up.

"Hi there, i'm alice"

"My names rachel"

"I already know that"

"How do you know my name"

"Same way i knew you would show up at this time, i saw it in my head"

"Like in a premonition or vision thing"

"exactly, now i need you to do something for me"

"And what exactly would that be"

"I need you to deliver a message to jasper for me"

"How do you know jasper"

"He used to be my boyfriend before he left me cause he didnt feel complete with me"

"Why would i help you then if he doesnt want anything to do with you"

"Because i know you will, you dont have a choice"

"Whatever im leaving" i tried walking away but she grabs my arm and spins me back towards her.

"You are not going anywhere" She hit me and i fell to the ground. she leaned down and grabbed me by my neck. She then proceeded to pull me towards her about to bite me. End of dream.

                           I opened my eyes gasping for air realizing i was in my bed still. I had sweat running down my face so got up and went to the restroom. i got cleaned up and went back to my room. i looked at the clock and saw it was only 3am. i knew i couldnt go to sleep so i decided a shower would help shake this feeling that the dream was a sign of something bad was in store today. i stayed in the shower for almost an hour. i got dressed in a cute skinny jean outfit.(link to outfit to the right) i went downstairs and my aunt was already awake cause she had to work early this morning. 

"You're up early"

"Yeah i couldnt sleep"

"Everything alright?"

"Yeah just a bad dreambut im ok"

"Ok you want any breakfast?"

"That would be nice thanks" she started making pancakes and i helped a little. When i was done eating breakfast it was time to head to school. i kissed my aunt and left towards school. When i got there the school was already packed. I got out of my car and i saw a beamer that looked just like the one in my dream. Before i could start freaking out jasper was coming up to me. It was only when he got to me that i was actually holding my breath. i let it out and turned to jasper.

"Hey are you ok?" he asked putting his hand on my back.

"Yeah its nothing, just a dream i had last night has me freaked out" i said trying to relax.

"What was it about?"

"Well its stupid, but it was about a girl that said she was your ex girlfriend and was a vampire, she was upset you dumped her and now we are together. her name was alice i think" his face suddenly went to horrified and worried once i said that name.

"Alice?! what happened after that"

"She leaned towards me and was going to bite me but i woke up"

"We need to get you out of here now"

"Why, whats happening?"

"That wasnt a dream, it was a vision you had"

"What, i dont have visions"

"No not completely but you do have a gift though, i kind of researched all about your past and i noticed that whenever people that do have gifts are around you, they kind of get copied into you, you can copy gifts when those people are near"

"That would mean alice was near me last night when i had that vision thing or whatever it was"

"Yes she must have been, which means she wants to kill you because of what i did and i am sorry i pulled you into this, i should have just stayed away"

"Im not mad at you but what do i do now, i mean where i can i go that she wont be able to get to me"

"My family can help us cause they kicked her out when she started to feed off people when i pissed her off"

"Okay lets do that then"

"alright lets go now"

       A/N okay people thats the next chapter, i hoped you like it. i know its been awhile but i lost my notes to this story when i had cleaned my house. so hope no one is too mad. vote and comment

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2014 ⏰

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