25 | how to be shattered

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Juhaif been surprising himself lately with how he kept binge watching her videos. Especially the cooking videos he had no idea why he kept watching them specifically. He clicked to her Instagram account link in her description box. He had no idea why but something about the page seemed appealing to him. But one thing he really noticed was how fashionable and hardworking she is. How she managed to got those many pics he had no idea. He moved on to follow her when he noticed something. Oh she posted the selfie they took earlier back in Abuja. He read the caption and smiled. It read "life taking a turn, in an amazing way."

He wonder what's amazing about breaking his belongings and even crashing his car! This girl is not innocent but likes acting like one.

He saw many comments. Does she even have time to read all these comments. He glanced down at a comment that peeped out "Who's that guy?" He found himself about to read all her comments. What are you doing Juhaif? You are actually stalking Islam. A voice in him said.

"That guy is cute. I'm not even kidding!" That was the first comment, he smiled at that.

"Gorgeus Britain you're really gorgeous. I'll love to meet you one day." Another comment read.

"That's husna from the four sister's vlog right?" Another comment read.

"That guy must be a model. He must be from England." Some one commented and another replied with "she's in Africa. So obviously he's African."

"Life turning in to an amazing way you said? Why won't life turn perfectly for you when you have all the money in the world, with a freaking billionaire of a father and always flying to the places you want. I mean have you ever drove in an economic class before? You see my point. Go to hell." Someone commented. Immediately Juhaif read that he cringed. He quickly stopped reading and left the comment section. That must be what she meant with "don't be part of those giving negative comment though." He followed her and right there an account with the name 'Lena West' appeared and he knew that girl. That's her lively friend that greeted him over face time. He followed her as well.

He switched back to home and right there a new post came in. That was Selena's. It read 'It's awesome working with you @versace.'

He moved out of the app and dropped his phone on bed.

He checked and saw it's already 10:00 am. Oh he wasn't about having late breakfast.

On the other hand Islam had planned on making breakfast or at least assist the maid in doing so. In Abuja she wasn't really allowed must of the time. She really hoped the maids here ain't as tough notch as those from Abuja.

When lots of peeps find solace in reading, she find hers in being fashionable, cooking and designing the Islam's clothing line. So when she doesn't cook she usually grab a pencil to design clothes.

So today was one of those days she felt like cooking. She kinda got late as Selena had sent her the modeling pics she snapped and she got carried away by looking at them. She had already finished making the oat meal and was now about to make carrot juice when she saw Juhaif coming towards the kitchen. She knew he came to grab water.

She decided to concentrate on the carrots she was chopping, instead of dwelling upon whether Juhaif was here for water or not. As for Aunt Kaula she decided to allow Islam to use the kitchen anytime she wants as long as Husna won't go near her while cooking. She still wonders why is that!

He salamed and she answered. He moved over to the fridge and brought out a bottle of Swan. Once he was done gulping it down. He looked over at her. He watched her struggling with chopping carrots. They were much of the carrots anyway.

"Here. Let me help." He said moving over to collect the knife.

He caught her by surprise when he dragged the board a little towards him. Chup chup chup chup he finished cutting it off, skillfully of course.

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