The Beginning of the Trial (1)

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Chapter 1

*December 14, 2031*

Two years ago... was when everything really began to hit the fan. Unknowing to my brother or my friends, I've always found myself to be aided in more ways than one. I always thought that I needed no help, and that what I was doing was on my own, period. I write in my journal with my memories of these past two years still nailed to the back of my head.

I'm more experienced now; after four years of being a defense attorney I felt like I had been shot, beaten up, and thrown into the nearest river alongside my home. The experience and the stress of it all seems to have degraded me as time passed by. That's the life I chose to live through; no one said that being a lawyer had no stressful sides to it. My mind had been on its toes for many years, trying to solve this one giant case.

The case of this hidden... place. At first, no one else had really heard of it, but I found clues; clues that effected me in ways that would normally petrify or scar normal people. I'm only 28 now, and already I seem two times my age. My hair's been getting grayer with each passing day to the point that my hair seems more 'light brown' than its original color of black.

With each passing day, I hoped that things would benefit me dearly from just being on my own. That's what I had originally thought after two years of being a defense lawyer. I would normally do most of the investigating on my own while having a few officials getting me warrants. In the beginning, I never thought of actually calling others to do my work, and because of that I always put myself on the front lines of the investigations whenever a crime is committed.

I remember on that date--November 23rd, 2029--was when everything seemed to wrap everything to one; that one small murder case which soon evolved into one large case altogether.

And it all began with that file...

*November 23, 2029*

Remaining calm was always something of a specialty of mine. No matter how clueless I may seem on a certain matter if I actually present something to someone about a certain topic then I would remain calm and allow my brain to recollect. Slowly, my mind began to go over the parts of the many files I had to go over. My firm had hired me a month ago to take over this case, with the older defense attorney being my boss.

He never really did any cases anymore for the most part; mostly he would just instruct his other lawyers in the Charlimage, Swinglind, & Andrews Co. Firm.

Before any of you ask, yes, one of those last names are mine. My name is Karson Zigfreid Andrews. I'm a defense attorney of sorts, but the thing is I'm not the one being represented in the title of my firm. Although I am one of the more visited defense attorneys in the firm I know that I'm not necessarily one of the best ones; in my mind I rank myself in the middle, if anything.

It was 9:23 A.M. on the clock ahead of me. I've been sitting in the lobby for at least 15 minutes after going through a metal detector. Luckily, the evidence that my firm's investigations team had been already submitted into the court, so all I had to do was wait until 9:30 A.M; the time when the shit hits the fan.

Beside me was the client I chose to represent. Although I've been working for him for about a month he hasn't really told me any details that are important; heck, he never actually told me his last name. Thankfully, nobody knows about this so I knew the judge would probably let the lack of last name being shown slide. Normally though, this would be considered a sign of untrustworthiness.

He was wearing some kind of black jacket, but the way the clothing was styled almost made myself think that it was made out of some kind of cloth material, preferably cotton. The buttons were the colors of silver and gold, and his brown air kept looming over his eyes. At the time, I was surprised that the clothing on this guy wasn't changed due to the fact that he was a suspected killer, but I guess I was thinking too much of jails at the time and how most of the jailed there wear orange clothing.

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